cuckoo ray───杂斑鳐
cuckoo rays───布谷鸟射线
cuckoo wasp───青蜂
cuckoo bee───寄生蜂
cuckoo clock───布谷鸟钟(报时似布谷鸟叫声的钟)
cuckoo wasps───青蜂
cuckoo bees───布谷鸟蜜蜂
cuckoo spit───杜鹃吐痰
cuckoo clocks───布谷鸟钟(报时似布谷鸟叫声的钟)
Mount Emei: four seasons can swim, spring can see the cuckoo sherc, enjoy the cool, autumn leaves can be considerable, winter snow tours.───峨眉山金顶四季可游,春可看杜鹃,夏可享清凉,秋可观红叶,冬可赏雪景。
minister is living in cloud-cuckoo-land if he thinks this problem can be solved overnight.───如果部长以为这个问题能在一夜 之间得到解决,那他简直是生活在 梦幻 之 境中。
But scientists say the season's hectic schedule and excesses of festive eating can wreak havoc upon hormones, driving even the sanest person slightly cuckoo come Boxing Day.───但科学家们发现繁多的节日安排和不规律的节日饮食会导致荷尔蒙分泌紊乱,让最理智的人也变得疯狂起来。
- cuckoo flower picture
- cuckoo clocks
- cuckoopint plant crossword