

词汇 cry foul
释义 cry foul
cry foul发音



cry out───v.大声呼喊;大声抱怨

cry down───vt.贬低;喝止

cry off───取消前约;打退堂鼓

cry up───v.夸奖;推崇

cry wolf───发假警报;谎报军情

to foul───犯规

jury found───陪审团裁定

cry uncle───认输,投降



Your nerve cells, in that troubled region, cry foul.───您的神经细胞,在这一动荡地区,喊犯规。

With every new design decision, critics cry foul.───当每一次新的设计决策出现时,批评者们大喊犯规。

Citigroup's rivals will surely cry foul.───花旗集团的竞争对手也必然大呼犯规。

Were the German government even to consider taking a stake in Opel, other German carmakers would cry foul.───即便德国政府真的会考虑控股欧宝,其他德国厂商也会大呼不平。

English fans, whose country is suffering from a weak pound as well as a high top rate of income tax, cry Foul!───英国球迷本已饱受高所得税及英镑疲软之苦,当然要为此纷纷不平了。

Do these achievements get shared between you and your manager? If not, that's the time you cry foul.───这些成绩能够在你和你的管理者之间共同分享吗?如果不,这就是你大呼犯规的时间了。

China should hold naval exercise off the Florida panhandle in the gulf of Mexico and watch the Americans cry foul.───中国应该在墨西哥湾的狭长地带佛罗里达州外操练海军,看着美国人喊冤。

Rather than welcoming these bargains, importing countries tend to cry foul[2] and raise anti-dumping duties.───进口国并不欢迎这些廉价商品,反而往往鸣冤叫屈并提高反倾销关税。

Developers and pundits can cry foul all they want about Apple's lack of openness.───开发人员和专家可以指出在苹果这些缺乏公开性的系统上所需的东西。


When the ads appeared, it was the Democrats' turn to cry foul.

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