

词汇 crossing over
释义 crossing over
crossing over发音




crossing overs───[遗]交换,交叉


glossing over───v.掩盖,掩饰;给以光滑的表面

grassing over───植草

crowning cover───[林]林冠

clouding over───变阴,云层密布

coming over───过来;顺便来访;抓住

crossing off───[计]划掉;删去

crossing out───删去;注销


We found a ship crossing over to Phoenicia, went on board and set sail.───遇见一只船,要往腓尼基去, 就上船起行.

Literally crossing over from one type of song to the next.───就像名字所意,这首中曲把歌的风格从一种转到了另一种.

Crossing over The exchange of material between homologous chromatids by the formation of chiasmata.───交换:同源染色单体之间形成交叉时遗传物质的交换现象.

Plantar gasket ( sole ) have special function characteristic, OK and fast conveniently crossing - over.───脚底衬垫 ( 鞋底 ) 具有非凡的性能特点, 可以快速方便地互换.

Their first problem was crossing over a huge mountain.───他们第一个问题是翻越一座高山。

Two London Buses Is Crossing Over The River Thames.───两部伦敦巴士横夸泰晤士河.

They headed the storm crossing over Alps to Italy.───他们迎着暴风雪越过了阿尔卑斯山脉,朝着意大利进发.

Find the right balance so you're politely persistent without crossing over to a pest.───找到正确的平衡点,这样你才能迈出礼貌的一步而不会触发个人忌讳.

With possession of Coastal expressway, the Xin - Chang railway crossing over, so the traffic is very convenient.───沿海高速 、 新常铁路穿越而过, 交通位置十分便捷.

From the riverside he saw the honest salesman still crossing over on the ferry boat.───在河边,他看见诚实的商人乙正在渡河.

Crossing over the Pacific Ocean.───穿越太平洋的两岸。

Okay, this is crossing over into a scary place.───好吧这就有点过头了.

We found a ship crossing over to Phoenicia , went board and set sail.───遇见一只船、要往腓尼基去、就上船起行.

from Internet and platform gaming to mobile gaming.───从互联网平台游戏到手机平台游戏跨平台发展。

Jordan and Adidasi this month positional crossing - over, rank the 6 th to mix the 7 th respectively.───乔丹和阿迪达斯本月位置互换, 分别排名第六名和第七名.

Duplication can be created by unequal crossing over, retroposition, or whole genome ( or chromosomal ) duplication.───它与生物体基因组大小的进化 、 新基因的起源 、 物种的分化以及基因抗突变的能力大小等都密切相关.

Their first problem was crossing over a mountain.───他们首先面临的问题是必须翻越一座高山.

Golden monkey and crocodile this month place crossing - over, rank the 8 th to mix the 9 th respectively.───金猴和鳄鱼本月名次互换, 分别排名第八位和第九位.





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