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词汇 必须保管好自己的物品用英语怎么说
释义 必须保管好自己的物品用英语怎么说

You must take good care of your belongings




The parties may prescribe the place and manner of safekeeping.───当事人可以约定保管场所或者方法.

Oh, I put it upstairs in my drawer for safekeeping, Alice replied.───“哦, 我放在楼上我的抽屉里面妥善保管, ”爱丽丝回答.

The money was given in the charge of Mr Jackson for safekeeping.───把钱交给杰克逊先生负责保管.

Money left with a bank for safekeeping is deposit.───留在银行里安全保管的钱就是存款.

Who is in charge of the money for safekeeping?───谁负责保管这笔钱?

I put my money into the bank for safekeeping.───为了妥善保管金钱,我把它存放在银行.

When should data be set to disk for safekeeping during the ETL?───简述ETL过程中哪个步骤应该出于安全的考虑将数据写到磁盘上?

I would like to put some money in safekeeping.───我想请您代为保管一些钱.

When e - shopping, pay particular attention to safekeeping your account information.───网上购物时, 特别注意你帐户信息的安全.

Those papers are in safekeeping with him.───那些文件由他妥善保管着.


He confided his money to his brother's safekeeping.

Have you heard about check safekeeping?

Money left with a bank for safekeeping is deposit.

Sometimes many people confuse it with check safekeeping.

I left my watch with Helen for safekeeping while I swam.

Walter confided the money to his brother's safekeeping during the war.

After making his plans for the safekeeping of funds in several banks he started off on his travels once again.

One of Durie's duties was the safekeeping of legal documents.

Hampton had been given the bills for safekeeping by a business partner.

  • 必须保管好自己的物品用英语怎么说
  • 妥善保管用英语怎么说




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