capital offence───死罪
capital sentences───死刑
criminal offences───刑事犯罪
capital expenses───集资费用
technical offences───技术犯罪
capital expense───集资费用
capital leases───筹资租赁;[租赁]资本租赁
capital levies───财产税;资本税
capital reserves───资本公积;准备金
But for capital offences, a full commission composed of judge and military jury must still be convened to convict and sentence the defendant.───但是对于死刑判决,必须组织一个由法官和军事陪审团组成的完整的特别法庭,然后才能对被告进行宣判。
Crimes that can result in a death penalty are known as capital crimes or capital offences.───最终被判死刑的犯罪通常称为死罪。
It was a spectacularly gruesome and public form of torture and execution, and was reserved only for this most serious crime, which was deemed more heinous than murder and other capital offences.───这是一种及其可怕及其残忍的酷刑和死刑,只会判给那些最严重的罪行,比谋杀,危害人身安全更为严重的罪行。
Fraud using financial bills and letters of credit, and forging and selling invoices to avoid taxes are also theoretically capital offences.───此外,利用金融支票和信用证进行诈骗、伪造和出售发票用以逃税在理论上也是死罪。
It also has a greater number of capital offences than anywhere else: more than 60.───它也拥有比其它任何地方都要多的死刑罪名:超过60个。
- capitalization rate
- capital cost
- capital one bank
- capitalization corrector
- capitalised terms
- capital one credit card login
- capital gain
- capital resources
- capitalized interest
- capital goods
- capital budgeting
- capitalizing song titles
- capitalist pig
- capitalist economy
- capital letters
- capital cities
- capitals of the world
- capital late model chassis
- capital allowance
- capitalizing titles
- capitalizing meaning