Young uncle
Uncle Richard intoned a chapter from the Bible and improvised a prayer.───理查德叔叔吟诵了《圣经》中的一章,又即兴作了一段祈祷文。
Jim's uncle cut him off without a penny.───吉姆的叔叔没有留给他一文钱.
Uncle Tom looked hot after his walk.───在步行之后,汤姆叔叔看来很热.
I'll go to see your uncle presently.───我一会儿就去看望你叔叔.
When Jim's uncle retired from the railway company, he was given a gold watch.───吉姆的伯父从铁路局退休时得到一块金表.
Jackson is leaning over backwards to persuade his wealthy uncle.───杰克逊想尽种种办法去讨好他那个有钱的叔叔.
This is the Uncle Zhang we're always talking about.───他就是我们常常念叨的张大伯.
She is expected to be subservient to her uncle.───她被要求对叔叔恭敬顺从。
Uncle Geooge got a black eye for ogling a lady in the pub.───乔治叔叔在酒店里对一女士抛媚眼而被打黑了一只眼睛.
Your uncle asked after you.───你叔父询问了你的情况.
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