alternating series───交错序列;交错级数定理
alternative question───选择疑问句
adverse possession───相反占有权
afternoon session───后场交易;午盘;下午班;下午时段;午市
alternative comedian───另类喜剧演员
alternative questions───选择疑问句
alternative conjunction───替代连词
alternative perspective───另一种观点;另类视角
acting profession───演艺职业
Shall the fourth period still begin with the alternating possession throw-in by team a?───那么第四节依然是由A队交替拥有掷球入界开始比赛么?
At the end of the third period, team a is entitled to the next alternating possession throw-in.───在第三节结束时,A队拥有下一次交替拥有掷球入界权。
Shall it be the duty of the scorekeeper to operate the alternating possession arrow?───管理交替拥有箭号方向是记录员的职责吗?
Shall it be the duty of the scorekeeper to operate the alternating possession arrow?
Shall the fourth period still begin with the alternating possession throw-in by team A?
- alternating possession
- alternating case