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词汇 alternated with
释义 alternated with
alternated with发音



alternate host───交替寄生,转移寄生

alternate hosts───交替寄生,转移寄生



pleased with───对…感到高兴;对…感到满意

alternate history───或然历史

alternating light───交替光


Each of these box-like structures alternated with an empty space, of exactly the same size.───每一个盒状结构交替留有一个空的空间,大小完全一样。

Rainy days alternated with dry ones.───雨天与晴天交替更迭。

Sunny weather alternated with rain.───天气晴雨相间。

Porridge may be alternated with the HEM feeds. Children should be able to eat a family-type meal by the time they leave the feeding program.───粥可以和HEM交替喂养。当这个喂养计划结束时,孩子们应该能够能够正常进食家庭餐。

Throughout the day, as sunshine alternated with soaking downpours, helicopters thundered in and out of Chishan Middle School's sports field.───当天,阳光和倾盆大雨交替地出现,直升机不断地进出Chishan中学的运动场。

Then, as blazing sunshine alternated with drenching rains, the harsh, barren surfaces of the black rocks slowly began to soften.───然后,通过太阳的熏烤和湿润雨水的交替的互相影响使那黑色的岩石表面开始逐渐变的柔软。

The total magnetic moment showed monotonic increase with size up to 5, which alternated with odd and even numbers.───总磁矩随尺寸的增加线性递增,并呈现奇偶交替的现象。

A melodic ornament in which a principal tone is rapidly alternated with the tone a half or full step below .───一种给定主旋律的改编版,通过旋律的修饰和节奏或琴键的变化而从中分离出来。

That stress came from unpredictable periods of light alternated with darkness, lasting anytime from three to 24 hours.───应激产生自不定期明暗交替的光照,持续时间从3个小时到24个小时不等。


Feedings with live and frozen brine shrimp should be alternated with chopped clams and shrimp and a good dried food mix.

Weight loss, making her look gaunt and stringy, alternated with periods of puffiness and overweight.

These might be alternated with strips of the tenderloin, partially roasted or boiled the tongue.

Periods of westward growth have alternated with periods when lateral development was most pronounced.

The sealed tender system has, in the past, alternated with the occasional foray by the MoD into auctions.

There was a bunch of winter aconites on the table, and stripes of sunshine on the floor alternated with deep darkness.

Her aggressive moods alternated with gentle or more co-operative states.

Betty and Sue alternated with each other in dishwashing.

Rainy days alternated with dry ones.

  • alternated with




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