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词汇 eat
释义 eatUK:*/ˈiːt/US:/it/ ,(ēt)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 eat [sth] vtr (consume a food)吃;食用I eat pasta every day.我每天都会吃意大利面。 eat [sth] vtr (food: chew and swallow) (食物)咬, 咀嚼I have difficulty eating meat because of my loose teeth.我牙齿松动了,咀嚼有困难。 eat vi (consume food)吃东西;吃饭;进食I'm hungry. Let's eat!我饿了。让我们吃些东西吧! 其他翻译 eats npl informal (food)食物Will there be eats at the party, or should I have dinner beforehand? eat vi (corrode)腐蚀;损坏(物体表面)Acid rain has eaten into the rock surface.酸雨腐蚀了岩石表面。 eat [sth] vtr figurative (ravage)蚕食; (比喻)吞噬Her ability to love was eaten by his cruelty and mistreatment.他爱的能力被他的残忍和虐待蚕食殆尽。 动词短语 eat [sth] away, eat away [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (gnaw at, erode)锈蚀;腐蚀The chalk cliffs are being eaten away slowly by the action of the sea. eat away at [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep informal, figurative (worry)烦扰Raskolnikov's crime ate away at his peace of mind and, ultimately, his soul. eat away at [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (erode)侵蚀;腐蚀The river eats away at the sand banks every time there's a flood. eat in vi phrasal (dine at home)侵蚀,腐蚀;开始消耗,吞噬; (比喻)令人不安或尴尬We decided to eat in rather than go out to a restaurant. eat into [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (use or consume part of)侵蚀,腐蚀;消耗,吞噬;令人难过,不安Increasing costs are eating into the company's profits. eat out vi phrasal (dine at a restaurant)出去吃,不在家里吃饭;锈掉,锈坏;过度消耗; (俚语)大加斥责,大骂Anna wants to eat out this evening because she's tired of cooking.因为厌倦了做饭,安娜今晚想要出去吃。 eat [sb] out vtr phrasal sep slang, vulgar (perform cunnilingus on)舔阴;为...口交 eat up vi phrasal informal (finish meal)吃完;吃完饭If you eat up, we'll have more time to play.如果你吃完了,我们就能有更多玩儿的时间。 eat [sth] up, eat up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (consume food completely)吃光;把…全吃完If you eat up all your vegetables, you can have dessert.如果你吃光了蔬菜,你就能吃甜点。 eat [sth] up, eat up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (consume in great quantities)(大量)消耗That new printer eats up our paper supplies at an alarming rate.那台新的打印机以惊人的速度消耗着我们的储备纸张。 eat [sth] up, eat up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (enjoy)很享受;为…感到高兴Everyone was praising him for a job well done and he was eating it up.所有人都在赞扬他工作做得很好,他也很享受。 eat [sth] up, eat up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (believe)完全相信;全盘接受He lied about everything but he was so charming about it that she ate it up.他满嘴谎话,却因为把谎言说得迷人动听,她就全盘接受了。 复合形式: a bite to eat n informal (snack)小吃,随便吃点 all-you-can-eat adj (restaurant buffet: unlimited)畅吃的;自助的At the all-you-can-eat restaurant he stuffed himself with cheap food. dog eat dog, dog-eat-dog adj figurative (merciless, fierce)残酷无情的,自相残杀的,狗咬狗的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounIt's dog eat dog in the music business.It's a dog-eat-dog world; you have to be tough to succeed. eat crow vtr + n US, informal, figurative (be forced to admit error) (美国口语)被迫承认错误;被迫收回说过的话 eat dinner v expr (have evening meal)吃晚饭We usually eat dinner around 7 pm. eat dirt v expr figurative, slang (be humiliated) (俚语)低头认输; (比喻受到羞辱)被打脸When Jessie's album became a huge hit, her critics were forced to eat dirt. Eat dirt! interj figurative, slang (insult) (侮辱)去死吧;滚蛋"Eat dirt, sucker!" Jeff growled as he hit a winning shot past his opponent. eat humble pie v expr figurative (be forced to admit error) (比喻)被迫赔罪;被迫低头谢罪Well I was wrong, so I guess I'll just have to eat humble pie.The team are making their detractors eat humble pie with a series of impressive wins. eat like a bird v expr figurative (consume little or in small amounts)胃口小;饭量小No wonder she's so skinny, she eats like a bird! eat like a horse v expr (eat large quantities)大吃特吃;狼吞虎咽 eat lunch v expr (have midday meal)吃午饭I usually eat lunch at 1p.m. Eat my shorts! interj slang (contempt)去你的!;去死吧! eat [sb] out of house and home v expr (eat so much as to strain [sb]'s funds)把...吃穷 be eating out of [sb]'s hand figurative (be submissive to [sb])使…百依百顺;把...吃得死死的 Eat up! interj informal (finish your meal)吃干净;吃光Eat up! We have a long march ahead of us.吃干净!我们还要走很远的路呢。 eat your fill v expr (eat until full) (招呼语)能吃多少吃多少,尽量多吃点Everybody ate their fill at the buffet lunch. eat your heart out, Eat your heart out! interj slang, figurative (be envious) (招呼语)好好吃,尽情吃Ronaldo, eat your heart out! Worcester City striker Sean Geddes has just scored a sensational goal. eat your words v expr figurative (admit you are wrong)收回说过的话;承认错误A fine performance by Bale made his doubters eat their words. eat-in kitchen n (kitchen used as dining room)带餐厅的厨房;有餐桌的厨房We hardly ever used the dining room since we always had our meals in the eat-in kitchen. good to eat adj (tasty, delicious)好吃的;美味的Fresh strawberries are good to eat. live high on the hog, live high off the hog, eat high off the hog v expr US, figurative (live life of luxury)过奢华生活;享受豪华生活 safe to eat adj (food: free from germs and toxins)安全食用的Uncooked meat is not considered safe to eat in many places of the world.




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