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coping mechanism───应对机制,应付机制

defence mechanisms───防御机制(defencemechanism的名词复数形式)

defense mechanisms───防卫机制;[心理]防御机理

support mechanisms───承重机构;维持机制

trigger mechanisms───[天]触发机制

copying machines───影印机;复印机

escape mechanisms───逃避机理


Strengthening the financial emergency management capacity building, improve the prevention of systemic risk in advance of the coping mechanisms and ex post facto.───加强金融突发事件应急管理能力建设,完善系统性风险的事前预防和事后应对机制。

buffering effect of coping strategy adoptions was found in this study, but the mechanisms of the effect merit further exploration.───因应策略对压力过程的缓冲作用在本研究中获得支持,但是其作用机制应进一步探讨。

Meanwhile, the emergence of informal markets since the last famine underlines how much better North Koreans' coping mechanisms have become.───同时,自从上次饥荒之后,非正式市场的出现或多或少显示出朝鲜应付机制的改良。

For me, worrying and fear are both coping mechanisms that I use to try and stay in control of my own situation.───对我来说,担忧和恐慌都是应对机制,我需要尝试并使一切保持在可控制范围内。

"The businesses that meet this spectrum of coping mechanisms will see out the recession, " he said.───满足这种处理机制的范畴的贸易会度过这次经济衰退期。

She said pain tolerance also has a lot to do with coping mechanisms, distraction being a key example.───她说疼痛忍耐度与应变机制也有关,注意力分散就是个典型范例。

If your child takes great comfort from his pacifier, you can let him continue to use it until he develops other coping mechanisms.───如果奶嘴能够给你的宝宝带来极大的安慰,那你就让他继续使用,直到宝宝其他的协调处理能力得以发展为止。

Crisis is a perception of an event or situation as an intolerable difficulty that exceeds the person's resources and coping mechanisms.───危机是一种认识,当事人认为某一事件或境遇是个人的资源和应对机制所无法解决的困难。


Strengthening the financial emergency management capacity building, improve the prevention of systemic risk in advance of the coping mechanisms and ex post facto .

While most of the patients surveyed were Roman Catholic, the researchers note that religious coping mechanisms have been identified in non-Catholic people as well.

Mommachrissie: Child abuse is a measure of immaturity and few coping mechanisms, not age.

Work organizations have yet to develop such coping mechanisms.

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