

词汇 多好的季节啊用英语怎么说
释义 多好的季节啊用英语怎么说

What a beautiful season




Tonight's clash between Real Madrid and Arsenal is being heralded as the match of the season.───今晚皇家马德里队和阿森纳队之间的对决被称为本赛季最重要的比赛。

You should stop work and enjoy yourself for a season.───你应该停止工作,稍稍休息一会儿.

The last golf tournament of the European season is building up to a dramatic climax.───欧洲赛季的最后一场高尔夫球锦标赛就要迎来最激动人心的时刻。

He has just earned his fourth MVP award this season.───这个赛季他刚获得了他的第四个“最有价值球员奖”。

They were working under the gun to get the bridge repaired before the rainy season set in.───他们全力以赴,以便在雨季到来之前把桥修复.

There is a shortage of carrots. So everybody starts growing carrots. Next season, surprise, surprise, there is a glut of carrots.───胡萝卜紧缺,于是大家都去种胡萝卜。等到来年这个时候,可想而知,胡萝卜就会过剩。

Hotels are cheaper out of season.───在淡季,旅馆要便宜些。

The few small rivers could not hold all the rain that fell during the wet season.───几条小河容不下雨季的全部雨水.

During the rutting season the big boars have the most terrible mating battles.───大野猪到了发情期会为了交配而斗得不可开交。

Autumn is my favourite season.───秋季是我最喜欢的季节。

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