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词汇 coming across
释义 coming across
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cutting across───抄近路通过;径直穿过;打断

come across───v.偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;给人…印象

comes across───v.偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;给人…印象

getting across───vi.通过;使...被理解

putting across───v.圆满完成;使被接受;解释清楚

running across───偶然遇到;跑着穿过

came across───v.偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;给人…印象

coming about───v.发生;产生;改变方向

coming along───升;遂


Other times, he would delight in coming across something that belonged to her.───有时,他在无意中发现了妈妈的遗物,会高兴不已。

Mr Obama has always been in danger of coming across as an elitist.───奥巴马其实一直就在“精英主义”的危险范围附近。

Most of us don't really know how we're coming across.───实际上,我们中的大多数人并不了解自己在与别人接触时的真实状态。

He was on his way home when coming across a group of hunters who were just lost the wolf they had followed.───他在某天晚上回家时遇见了一群猎手,他们刚刚跟丢了一头狼。

"Yes, there are insurgents coming across the border, " he said at the U. S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan.───“是的,确实有某些叛乱分子跨越了国界(巴基斯坦)。”他在喀布尔的美国驻阿富汗大使馆说道。

You may read scores of erudite tomes on psychology without coming across a statement more significant for you and for me.───可能你已阅读过许多深奥的心理书籍,而尚未意识到有这样重要的一句话。

I began to be seriously interested in Buddhism after coming across an English version of the Heart Sutra.───我开始真正对佛教感兴趣,是在我偶然间翻到了一本英文版的《心经》之后。

The immigrants who had been coming across the Pacific from China since the mid-nineteenth century presented a new problem.───从19世纪中叶起,经太平洋从中国来的移民引起了新的问题。

A fine piece of work handrails and all -- and the neighbor, his younger brother, was coming across, his hand outstretched.───而他的邻居,也就是他的弟弟伸出手,正在朝桥走来。


It was like coming across an embarrassing old photograph of herself.

Pascoe had heard her scream and was coming across the boatyard, crashing and falling.

He thought of Miss Sadie coming across the little socks and the certificate.

It includes hunts coming across groups of foxes sitting about in fields - hardly typical vulpine behaviour.

We saw them in the distance coming across a plateau.

It is the United States that has suffered from millions of impoverished, illegal aliens coming across the lengthy border.

She's coming across as a likable, hard working, and industrious player.

Coming across two snakes copulating, he kills the female and discovers himself transformed into a woman.

When coming across complicated problems, he would remain unruffled and take them calmly.

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