n.茫然不知,迷惑; 瞠目结舌
all at once───突然
ill at ease───不安的;感到拘束
all set───准备就绪,都安排好了
all the───所有的
at sea───在海上;茫然;感觉困惑
fall asleep───v.入睡;睡着
Don't ask me, I'm all at sea now.───别问我, 我现在无所适从.
Don't ask me. I am all at sea now.───不要问我, 我现在也不知道该做么办.
I'm all at sea with this computer manual.───我被这本电脑使用手册弄得晕头转向.
I can't understand this problem. I'm all at sea.───我不懂这个问题, 我完全摸不着头脑.
We were all at sea until instructions arrived.───接到指示前,我们都茫然不知所措。
He was all at sea when he began his new job.───他开始新工作时,茫然不知所措.
At the time of this story they all at sea.───在这个故事发生时,它们都在海上.
I all at sea. I can't understand that problem.───我一片茫然, 无法理解那个问题.
We are all at sea as to what to do next.───我们全然不知下一步该做什么.
A: I'm all at sea about Professor Black s lectures.───在布莱克教授的讨论上我是一片茫然.
I all at sea ; I've no idea how to repair cars.───我手足无措,不知道怎样修理汽车.
He was all at sea when he began his new work.───他开始新工作时,简直不知如何是好.
I all at sea when I began to work.───我刚开始工作时,简直一头雾水!
I'm all at sea with these new regulations.───我全然不懂这些新的规章。
What are you talking about? I am all at sea.───你们在说什么? 我一点也听不懂.
I was all at sea when the teacher asked me the question.───当老师问我问题的时候我茫然不知所措.
I am all at sea in the adolescent stage of my life.───刚刚成长起来的我陷入了迷茫之中.
Liu was all at sea when he began his new job.───刘开始新工作的时候,茫然不知所措。
I am all at sea in the adolescent stage of my life.
If you had never seen a telly ad, you would be all at sea with popular culture.
I'm all at sea with these new regulations.
I'm all at sea; I've no idea how to repair cars.
This week, however, when you find yourself all at sea, you may wonder whether you've chosen well.
- all possessive pronouns adjectives
- allness define
- allegorical element
- all look great
- all turn on
- all is not lost
- all my friend
- allotted to
- allonge toi
- all me
- allaying worries
- all star
- alluding to
- all for one
- alleging infringement
- all share play
- all at all
- all in game
- all is on time
- all live
- all out