Queensland blue───昆士兰蓝
Queensland blues───昆士兰蓝调
Queensland nut───昆士兰坚果
Queensland nuts───昆士兰坚果
Queensland arrowroot───食用美人蕉,蕉芋
Queensland cane toad───昆士兰蟾蜍
Queensland lungfish───n.昆士兰肺鱼,澳洲肺鱼
Queensland cane toads───昆士兰甘蔗蟾蜍
many voters, especially in Mr Rudd's crucial home state of Queensland, still disapprove of the tawdry way Labor bosses switched horses in mid-stream.───许多选民——尤其是在陆克文非常重要的出生地昆士兰,仍然不支持工党大佬们花哨的中途换人的方式。
Formed on a working-class base, Labor claims to be the first party of its kind in the Western world to have won power: in Queensland in 1899 (briefly), then as a national government five years later.───以劳动阶级为基础来建党,工党成为在西方世界同类政党中第一个赢得政权:1899年在昆士兰州(短暂地),5年后组建全国性政府。
It was only the second time federal Labor had won a majority of Queensland seats, which total 29.───这仅仅是第二次联邦工党赢得了昆士兰席,其总额达29多数。
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