

词汇 collection box
释义 collection box
collection box发音




collection boxes───募捐箱

collecting box───接受器;收集箱

collection tin───收集罐

collecting boxes───收集箱

collection point───收集点

collection tins───收集罐



collection points───收集点


Please drop your used ticket into the ticket collection box.───请把用完的车票,投进车票收集箱里.

Waste vegetable oil collection box sign.───废食用油的回收箱的迹象。

A filtrate collection box sits underneath, and seals against, the upper belt.───滤液收集盒紧靠着上方皮带的下面密封。

Waste vegetable oil collection box with a few plastic bottles of waste oil left by customers.───废食用油收集箱与几个塑料瓶废油遗留下来的客户.

Near the entrance of the supermarket is the waste vegetable oil collection box.───入口附近的超市是废食用油的回收箱.

You may put them in a collection box on the street.───你可以把它们投入街上的邮筒.

This thief was beaten for trying to steal from the church collection box.───小偷因为想偷教堂募捐箱里的钱,被打了一顿.

If your yard is large enough, you need to use a collection box on the lawnmower, or at least gather the cut grass into a pile.───如果你的院子足够大,你就需要使用割草机上的收集箱,或者至少把割下来的草集中成一堆。


Please drop your used ticket into the ticket collection box.

I put my spare change in a charity collection box.

Waste vegetable oil collection box with a few plastic bottles of waste oil left by customers.

The collection box was full of coins and paper money.

A filtrate collection box sits underneath, and seals against, the upper belt.

The exhibition is free, but there is a collection box for donations.

Kabaraijian set the collection box down on Munson's desk and opened it.

Waste vegetable oil collection box sign.

You may put them in a collection box on the street.

  • collection letters
  • collections etc




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