I don't know the exact location
The official was accompanied by all the pomp of his high position.───那位官员所到之处威风十足.
My position is quite different.───我的立场完全不同。
What position does he play?───他打哪个位置?
No honor attaches to this position.───这个职位没有什么显赫可言.
It was a long hard pull for him to get to the top of his position.───他费了九牛二虎之力终于爬上了最高位置.
He is unsuited for that position.───他不适合担任那个职务.
The lawyer reached a position of prominence in her profession at an early age.───那律师在她年轻的时候就在业内赫赫有名了.
No matter how high one's position, he must never be a law unto himself.───无论一个人的职位有多高, 都绝对不能独断专行.
She was a woman of high position in the government.───她曾是个在政府中占有重要位置的女人.
He took uninterrupted occupancy of this position for ten years.───他持续担任这一职位10年.
- 具体位置我也不知道用英语怎么说
- 请报告你的位置用英语怎么说
- 窗口位置用英语怎么说
- 那取决于它的位置用英语怎么说
- 所有位置用英语怎么说
- 占领导位置用英语怎么说
- 这是位置用英语怎么说
- 在最高的位置用英语怎么说
- 具体位置用英语怎么说
- 位置要前一点用英语怎么说
- deposition picture
- interposition means
- birthing positions
- aspirating position
- cephalic position
- long position
- deposition transcript
- incongruous composition
- commanding position
- accusative preposition