

词汇 coal mine
释义 coal mine
coal mine发音



coal miner───煤矿工人

coal mines───煤矿


coal miners───煤矿工人


coal fire───煤火





The machinery automatic sprinkling water and spraying fog development is successfully made in Jixian Coal Mine.───该矿成功研制了机械式自动化洒水喷雾装置,且应用效果明显.

The liberal New Yorker ran a cartoon showing Elennor going down into a coal mine.───自由派的《纽约人》刊登了一幅讽刺埃莉诺下煤矿的漫画.

It has reference value for the automatic manage of coal mine drainage pump.───对实现煤矿主排水泵的自动化管理颇有参考价值.

In view of coal mine production characteristic, designed a computer control system based on ARM 7.───针对煤矿生产特点, 设计了一种基于arm7的大型下运带式输送机液压制动系统的计算机控制系统.

One died at the scene , said Kevin Stricklin, MSHA's administrator for coal mine safety.───一人当场死亡,斯科林说, 斯科林是美国矿山安全卫生管理处煤矿安全负责人.

The design is a graduation project about the belt conveyor used in coal mine.───本次毕业设计是关于矿用固定式带式输送机的设计.

The spontaneous combustion of coal seam of the major problems in safe production of coal mine.───煤层自燃问题一直困扰着我国煤矿的安全生产.

This paper summarizes the characters of mining roadway layout in thick - seam mining in Xinglongzhuang coal mine.───总结了兴隆庄煤矿厚煤层开采先后所用“采区巷道布置方式”特点与存在的问题.

Ma Po Road , Taiyuan City is gateway to one of the Dongshan Coal Mine roads.───马道坡, 是太原城区通往东山煤矿的一条交通要道.

He'd be at home in Buckingham Palace or at the bottom of a coal mine, he said.───在白金汉宫,还是在煤矿坑底,他都很自在吧。”他说。

Taking Jining No.3 Coal Mine as an example, the practice of the recycle economy is introduced.───最后,以济三煤矿为例, 介绍了兖州矿区循环经济的实践.

The significance of dealing coal mine collapse pit and reclamation of land are introduced.───介绍了煤矿塌陷坑的治理途径和复垦的意义.

It had the obvious advantages for the forecast and monitoring and commanding of coal mine disasters.───在煤矿灾害事故的预测预报、实时监控以及救灾指挥等领域具有明显的应用优势.

Uses in tunnel column, the coal mine ore hydraulic prop, the details invites the telephone communication.───用于巷道立柱, 煤矿矿道液压支柱, 详情请电话联系.

Those leaders are callous about the safety of the coal mine workers.───这些领导对煤矿工人的安全毫不关心.

Last year, twelve men died after an explosion in the West Virginia coal mine.───去年, 西弗吉尼亚州媒矿爆炸造成12人死亡.

Pertinent measures against gas explosion in coal mine were proposed.───并对瓦斯爆炸事故提出了有针对性的防治措施.

Finding a fossil in a coal mine is no big deal.───在煤矿里发现化石并不是什么大不了的事。

China is rich in coal mine.───中国煤矿丰富.

Jigging coal running is primary way in the coal mine industry in our country.───跳汰选煤是我国煤炭行业的主要选煤方法.

We decided to open out a coal mine near the city.───我们决定在城市附近开发一煤矿.

The noise of fan outlet is a chief noise source in the coal mine.───对于煤矿噪声分析,主要噪声源是风机出口噪声.

Datong Coal Mine Group chairman and party secretary Wu Yongping, made a speech at the ceremony.───同煤集团董事长、党委书记吴永平在仪式上作了讲话.

The medicament preparation, adding and automatic control coal preparation plant , Dongtan Coal Mine are introduced.───介绍了东滩煤矿选煤厂药剂制备 、 添加和自动控制系统.

He worked in the notoriously unhealthy environment of a coal mine.───他在一个环境出了名恶劣的煤矿里工作。

At present about the situation of Chinese coal mine production?───目前,中国宁静生产的形势 怎么样 ?

Scotland, the last slaves in the local coal mine owners in 1799 under free.───苏格兰最后的本土奴隶于1799年在煤矿主底下获得自由.

The coal mine is not well-ventilated.───煤矿的通风不甚好。

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