Three Rivers───n.三河城(加拿大魁北克省南部城市)
the river───河畔迷影(歌曲名)
free diver───自由潜水者
free liver───游离肝
free rider───搭便车者;免费享用公共货物者
threw over───vi.放弃,变换;抛弃;拒绝;使覆盖
three cheers───(祝贺某人或某事的)三声欢呼
At the same time, the territory of Jiangyou Three river bridge, because the river surged, the traffic police have to implement temporary traffic control on the bridge.───同时,江油境内的三座河大桥,由于河水暴涨,交警不得不在桥上实施临时交通管制。
river sources are the key ecological and environmental protection area in our country since their changes directly relate to ecological safety of our country.───三江源区是我国生态与环境保护的关键地区,其生态与环境的变化直接关系到我国的生态安全。
Therefore science reasonable implementation ecological immigrant project to accelerate three river source area ecological environment construction pace and build important way of well-off society.───因而,科学合理地实施生态移民工程是加快“三江源”地区生态环境建设步伐和建设小康社会的重要途径。
The area of "Headwaters of Three River" is located in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which has the richest biodiversity.───“三江源”有“中华水塔”之称,是世界高海拔区生物多样性最丰富、最集中的地区之一。
Countermeasures of supervision and management for ecological and environmental protection in three river sources areas───三江源区生态与环境保护的监督管理对策
southern including Donggou, Hala wood Sark ditch, ditch and red deer, along the canal above the ditch three river valley and snow line;───南部包括大东沟、哈拉木萨克沟、吉沿坚沟和马鹿沟以上的整个三工河流域以及雪线;
Study on numerical classification and possible productivity of ecological zones in Three-river watershed and upper stream of Min River───三江流域与岷江上游生态区数量分类及可能生产力的研究
Title: Brief Communication on Agricultural ship Inspection in Water System in HeiLongJiang Three-River Plain───浅谈黑龙江三江平原水系涉农船舶检验
The changes of alpine grassland soil nutrition at different deteriorate degree on high mountain meadow of Three River Source───三江源区高寒草原草地不同退化程度土壤养分变化
- Three River