

词汇 全面的知识用英语怎么说
释义 全面的知识用英语怎么说

Comprehensive knowledge




The quiz was a good opportunity for the exhibition of his knowledge.───这次测验是他显示知识的好机会.

She has a passable knowledge of Japanese.───她的日语(知识)还可以.

The door to knowledge is study.───通向知识的门径是学习.

He has a superficial knowledge of this subject.───他对这门学科略知皮毛.

We have progressed in knowledge.───我们在知识上有了增长.

Genuine knowledge comes from practice.───实践出真知.

Owing to the limitation of our knowledge, there must be mistakes and errors in the book.───由于我们水平有限, 本书少不了会有缺点和错误.

Science means honest , solid knowledge.───科学是老老实实的学问.

Each of the sputniks added something to our knowledge.───每颗新卫星都给我们增长了新的知识.

Our knowledge about agriculture has so far been exclusively confined to books.───我们对农业学的知识至今只限于书本上所说的.


Knowledge may be obtained through study.

Knowledge is the antidote to fear.

Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps.

Knowledge will not be aquired without pain and application.

His knowledge of French remained pretty patchy.

Action is the proper fruit of knowledge.

She has an encyclopedic knowledge of pop trivia.

The teacher praised him for his anxiety for knowledge.

Knowledge advances by steps not by leaps.

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  • 全面的知识用英语怎么说
  • 一单元知识梳理用英语怎么说
  • prior knowledge
  • breadth of knowledge
  • advanced knowledge
  • cursory knowledge
  • expansive knowledge
  • accretion of knowledge
  • professional knowledge
  • usefulness of useless knowledge
  • assumed knowledge
  • acknowledge meaning




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