

词汇 儁才用英语怎么说
释义 儁才用英语怎么说





Li Bai was a Tang poet of superb talent.───李白是唐代一位才气横溢的诗人.

There was a lot of talent in this city.───在这个城市里有很多人才.

His energy and talent elevate him to godlike status.───他因精力充沛、才华横溢而被尊为神人。

He had an inborn talent for languages.───他有天生的语言才能。

She is proud that both her children have a talent for music.───她为自己的两个孩子都有音乐天赋而自豪。

You obviously have an innate talent for music.───你显然有天生的音乐才能.

He was asked to demonstrate his talent in Japan.───他应邀去日本献艺.

These four crooked ministers are jealous of real talent and block righteous conduct.───这四个贼臣弄权,嫉贤妒能,闭塞贤路.

The company has a galaxy of talent.───该公司拥有一批优秀的人才.

Patti Smith and Janis Joplin did it all years ago and they were women with attitude and talent.───帕蒂·史密斯和詹妮斯·乔普林多年前就这样做过,她们当时是两位个性鲜明的才女。


His talent is incomparable with mine.

Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships.

I believe that every person is born with talent.

The show is a celebration of new young talent.

The festival remains a valuable showcase for new talent.

The scientist deserves recognition for his talent.

She showed considerable talent for getting what she wanted.

Her talent for music showed at an early age.

The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame.

  • 儁才用英语怎么说
  • talent acquisition
  • be talented in
  • talent pool expanding
  • talent in
  • talent shows
  • talented show
  • africans got talent
  • talent contest
  • talented athletes
  • elemental shaman talents




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