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词汇 closing argument
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[法] 辩论终结


closing arguments───结束论点

opening arguments───开场白

strong argument───有力的争论;有力的论据

compelling argument───很有说服力的论据;令人信服的论据

economic argument───经济论证

reasoned argument───推理论证

licensing agreement───特许权协议;专利使用权转让协定

central argument───中心论点

closing ceremony───闭幕典礼


a client walks in, you start preparing your closing argument?───当事人一走进办公室,你就开始准备结案陈词了?

defence was granted only about 40 minutes to prepare its closing argument.───答辩只给出了40分钟来为最后的辩论做准备。

They also pointed out that Kelly had "dismissed one argument cited by those who advocate closing the military prison at Guantánamo, saying it had not proved to be an inspiration for militants."───时报还指出,凯利“驳斥了支持关闭关塔那摩军事监狱的人提出的一个观点,称它并没有在激发激进武装分子的行动。”

For what it is worth, I thought Mr Sorkin mumbled his way through a poor attempt to defend Mr Madoff in his closing argument.───不论有用与否,我认为索金先生在最后陈述中的含糊其辞,他的糟糕努力,都是在为马多夫先生辩护。

The prosecutor's role ends when he gives a closing argument at the completion of a trial.───公诉人的作用到他在庭审结束时作结案陈词后即终止。

Like the opening statement, the closing argument is a speech to the jury.───如同开庭陈词一样,结案陈词的对象也是陪审团。

The ad amounted to a closing argument for Obama's bid to defeat John McCain, though the Republican nominee's name was never uttered.───广告中对共和党候选人的名字只字未提,但这却是奥巴马对约翰-麦凯恩的发动的最后一击。

California jury, unconvinced by psychiatric testimony and by the weak closing argument of Ms Hearst 's celebrity defence lawyer, F.───加州的一个陪审团既不相信精神病鉴定结果,也不相信为赫斯特女士辩护的著名律师F。

There are five key parts to a trial: jury selection, opening statement, direct examination, cross-examination, and closing argument.───庭审有五个关键部分:陪审团选任、开庭陈词、直接询问、交叉询问和结案陈词。


But Baker said he and his co-counsel Robert Blasier will pick up those themes when their closing argument resumes Thursday morning.

After the defense finishes its closing argument, the prosecution will have the opportunity to reply.

There are five key parts to a trial: jury selection, opening statement, direct examination, cross-examination, and closing argument.

After the defense finishes its closing argument, the plaintiffs will have the opportunity for a brief rebuttal.

During one closing argument that summer, Gwinn broke down and cried.

  • closing costs
  • closing game client
  • closing price
  • closing prayer
  • closing on




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