How many kites do you see
A kite dangles from a telephone wire.───一只风筝悬挂在电话线上晃来晃去.
Build the frame of the kite by making a small cross of two pieces of lightwood.───用两根很轻的小木条做成一个小十字架,这样做成风筝的框架.
Is he making a model plane? No, he isn't. He is making a kite.───他正在做模型飞机 吗 ?不, 他不在. 他正在做风筝.
I got a new kite shaped like a diamond with a long tail.───我得到一个新的风筝,形状像一颗有长尾巴的钻石.
The girl let the kite fly to the sky by paying out the string.───小姑娘放绳让风筝飞上天.
A kite will never be a good hawk.───鸢永不会变成隼.
Yes, it's s Chinese dragon kite.───是的,这是一个中国龙风筝。
Oh. It's a kite, says Danny a little unhappily.───丹尼有一点不太高兴地说:“哦, 是一个风筝. ”
Was the kite broken?───风筝破了 吗 ?
This is my kite. What colour is it? Guess.───这是我的风筝. 它是什么颜色? 猜.
- 她喜欢风筝用英语怎么说
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- kiteflying festival
- dismas kitenge
- main sflying kites
- brookite phase
- i have a kite
- kite down
- night uflew a kite
- fly the kite
- act kite
- flying kites