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词汇 civil servant
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n.文职人员; 公务员; 公仆; 联合国等机构的行政人员



civil servants───公务员

civil service───公务员;行政部门

civil services───公务员;行政部门

civil ceremony───民间仪式

public servant───公务员;公仆;公用事业公司或其员工

bond servant───奴隶

civil death───民事死亡

civil unrest───内乱;民事骚乱;国内动乱

civil year───日历年,历年


Being a civil servant, I'm not in the position to comment on China's judicial system.───国际社会是清楚的,你的通讯社是清楚的, 你本人也是清楚的.

A civil servant works a government department or public agency.───公务员为政府部门或者公共机构工作.

Scratch the surface of a civil servant and you're likely to find absolutely anything.───去掉一位政府公务人员表面的伪装,你肯定会发现他会是任何一种人.

In China, civil servant jobs means good payment, decent social status and permanent social welfare.───在中国, 公务员意味着高收入, 高社会地位,以及永久的社会福利.

He had been groomed for a career in the Civil Service / groomed as a future civil servant.───他受过公务员职业培训.

He's a local government administrator, that is to say a Civil Servant.───他是地方行政官员, 也就是说是文官.

The system of invoking authority stipulates that the country civil servant authority fairly.───权力运行制度规范国家公职人员公正地行使权力.

The minister warned that any civil servant not at his desk faced immediate suspension.───部长警告说,任何擅离职守的公务员都会被立即停职。

your father do?"—"Well, he's a civil servant."───你父亲是做什么工作的?”— “哦,他是个公务员。”

He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant.───他是一位敬业、优秀而且非常称职的公务员。

Last year, a civil servant was imprisoned for leaking a document to the press.───去年,一名公务员因向报界泄露了一份文件而被判入狱。

Civil Servant is the important executive in the administrative activity ies.───公务员是国家行政管理活动的具体执行者.

Others think he may even be a civil servant undermining the government from inside.───另外有些人觉得他甚至是试图在政府内部搞破坏的公务员.

His work as a civil servant was a cover for his activities as a spy.───他以公务员的工作作为搞间谍活动的掩护。

He is a civil servant.───他是一位文职官员.

The first part introduced the correlation theories about the incentive mechanism of civil servant.───第一部分介绍了公务员激励的相关理论.

He a local government administrator. that is a Civil Servant.───他是地方行政官员. 也就是说是文官.

The civil servant in charge of hydrocarbons in Nuuk is confident that one will succeed.───在Nuuk,负责能源的国内公务员很有信心的认为这家公司会成功.

He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant.───他是一个忠诚、出色、很有能力的公务员。

Civil Servant; Incentive Mechanism; Administration Culture; Promotion System; Investigate System.───公务员; 激励机制; 行政文化; 晋升制度; 考核制度.

This a civil servant used his powers to fish for additional income can not compare.───这也是公务员利用职权捞取额外收入不能比的.

I am a civil servant and will definitely pay the rentpunctually.───两夫妇+两小猫,高级公务员,必定准时交租.

The civil servant nudged him forward.───那个文职人员向前推了他一把。

A: Are you a civil servant?───你是公务员 吗 ?

As a civil servant , transposition should be thinking more clients stand point of view the problem.───作为一名刺刀, 应当换位思考,多站在服务对象的角度来考虑问题.

A : How long have you been a civil servant in Gaotai Municipal Government?───你在高台县政府当公务员多久了?

He's a local administrator, that is to say, a civil servant.───他是本地一名行政人员, 也就是说, 一名公务员.

In 1855, Great Britain issued the first Privy Council law on civil servant system reform.───自1855年英国颁布文官制度改革的第一个枢密院令,近150年来, 世界许多国家和地区先后实行了公务员制度,并形成了各自不同的公务员管理机制体系.

My father wanted me to become a civil servant.───我父亲希望我成为一名文职公务员.

Part four is the environmental construction of performance evaluation in civil servant.───第四部分,公务员绩效评估的环境建设.

Civil servant law in china is the first law which carries in management of civil servant.───《公务员法》是我国首次以法律的形式就公务员队伍的管理进行的立法,该法进行了许多里程碑式的创新.

Chapter 4: it introduces the related measure that can perfect the civil servant training system.───第四 章 就完善我国公务员培训体系提出相应对策.


He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant.

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