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词汇 civet cat
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civet cats───n.[脊椎]灵猫;麝猫

tiger cat───山猫;虎猫;山猫(英国地空导弹)

bigged cat───大型猫科动物

copied cat───盲目的模仿者

copies cat───盲目的模仿者

native cat───本地猫

Korat cat───科拉特猫

a fat cat───有钱有势的人(非正式)

alley cat───野猫;泼妇


beans themselves are a Blue Mountain blend and a blend from Southeast Asia that's linked to a civet cat.───麝香猫咖啡豆本身就综合了蓝山咖啡以及某种与麝香猫有关的东南亚咖啡豆。

The soup is flavoured with chrysanthemum petals and includes shreds of civet cat and snake.───这道汤散发着菊花的清香,汤内还加入了果子狸和蛇的碎肉.

final host animals of 7 species of Paragonimus found in the whole province were 18, with the most of civet cat family, cat family, dog family and rat family.───在全省发现的卫氏并殖吸虫等7种虫种的终末宿主动物有18种,以灵猫科、猫科、犬科和鼠科动物为主。

A unique breed of civet cat roams the limestone plateaus that are seamed with gorges carved by rushing streams, and spiked by finger-like granite towers rising to 1, 500 metres.───一种品种独特的灵猫流浪在这些石灰岩高原上,地面上的一道道褶皱是被急流雕刻的峡谷,一根根从地里钻出、形似手指的花岗岩石柱可以向上达致1500米。

The civet cat gives herself a name , Xiang Xuehai.───香雪海为了扭转浩淇一家的命运, 寻求生命之树的指点,不料生命之树已被蛇魔控制.


The final host animals of 7 species of Paragonimus found in the whole province were 18 , with the most of civet cat family, cat family, dog family and rat family.

A civet cat ( Viverra zibetha ) of India and southeast Asia.

The civet cat gives herself a name , Xiang Xuehai.

A unique breed of civet cat roams the limestone plateaus that are seamed with gorges carved by rushing streams, and spiked by finger-like granite towers rising to 1,500 metres.

Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

The soup is flavoured with chrysanthemum petals and includes shreds of civet cat and snake.

The sale of civet cat is banned in Hong Kong, but people still cross into China to eat it, and other exotic animals.

Haoqi saves the civet cat which is pursued by the heavenly guards.

The number of civet cat farms increased from about 15 to 2000 between the start of the boom and the time of the SARS outbreak in 2002–03.

  • civet cat sars
  • civet cats
  • civet cat coffee




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