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词汇 alcoholic beverage
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alcoholic drink───酒

nonalcoholic beer───非酒精啤酒

nonalcoholic beers───非酒精啤酒

alcoholic psychoses───酒精性精神病

alcohol abuser───酗酒者

alcohol abusers───酗酒者

alcohol intake───酒精导管进口


No smoking or drinking of alcoholic beverage in any buildings.───请勿在旅馆内抽烟、喝酒,并遵守旅馆的规定.

A fermented alcoholic beverage brewed from malt and flavored with hops.───啤酒一种由麦芽酿制带有''.'蛇'.''麻草香味的发酵的''.'含'. ''酒精饮料.

word "honeymoon" got its name from mead, an alcoholic beverage made from honey, which was given to the happy couple.───蜜月”这个词因蜂蜜酒而得名,这种酒用蜂蜜做成,是情侣喝的一种酒精饮料。

Wine is the alcoholic beverage created through the process of fermentation.───葡萄酒是一种酒精饮料,通过发酵酿成.

Or alternate an alcoholic drink with plain water or a non alcoholic beverage.───再或者选择交替饮用酒精饮料和纯水或者不含酒精的饮料.

It found a lower rate of such deaths in light and moderate drinkers than among people who never drank or quit. The type of alcoholic beverage — beer, wine, liquor — made no difference.───研究发现:比起那些不饮酒的人或戒酒的人,轻度饮酒和适度饮酒的人死于心血管疾病的比率更低,酒精饮品的种类,如啤酒、葡萄酒、白酒等,没有产生影响。

A drink, often an alcoholic beverage, taken as a stimulant or a cure for a hangover.───提神饮料,兴奋剂:一种饮料, 通常是含酒精的饮料, 作为兴奋剂或治疗头痛的饮料服用.

The type of alcoholic beverage will not affect a person's rate of intoxication.───酒精饮料的种类不影响人体醉酒的速度.

Application: It is mainly used in alcoholic, beverage, pure water, syrup sauce and vinegar industries.───用途: 主要适用于酒类 、 饮料 、 纯净水 、 果汁、酱油、醋等行业.

Beer is by far the most popular and oldest alcoholic beverage on the planet.───根据人类学家研究,啤酒早在新石器时代已经出现,是世上最受欢迎及最历史久远的饮料.

To swig ( an alcoholic beverage ).───痛饮 ( 酒精饮料 )

Retrieve all alcoholic beverage items from bar and serve to guest in accordance with standards.───按照服务标准把酒水从酒吧服务给客人.

Liquor is a traditional alcoholic beverage . However, drinking in excess is harmful to people's health.───酒是一种传统饮品, 饮酒不当,会对人体造成一定的伤害.

Drinking a glass of water after every alcoholic beverage helps stave off drunkenness.───每次喝完酒精饮品后再喝杯水,这样就不容易醉了.

Wine: Alcoholic Beverage made from the fermented juice of grapes.───葡萄酒用发酵的葡萄汁制成的含酒精饮料.

Each time the state of Alaska raised its alcoholic beverage tax, fewer deaths were caused by or related to alcohol, according to the study that examined 28 years of data.───通过分析28年来的数据,研究表明:每次阿拉斯加州提高含酒精的饮料税,由酒精所引起或与之相关的死亡人数就会减少。

An alcoholic beverage made from fermented honey and water.───一种饮料,由茶叶浸泡在水里制成.

Spectators are not supposed to have any alcoholic beverage on the stand.───观众不能在看台上喝任何酒精饮料.

  • alcoholic beverage
  • alcoholic fermentation
  • alcoholic dementia
  • alcoholic fermentation equation
  • alcoholics anonymous meetings
  • alcoholics anonymous




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