Introduction to the aquarium
In the aquarium fish bowl and ceramic made of wood.───养鱼用的鱼缸有木盆和陶瓦盆.
It was an aquarium, complete with an air pump to aerate the water.───但最让我难忘的礼物不是玩具,而是一个带空气泵 、 能通气的鱼缸.
Previous attempts at filtering and oxygenating aquarium water had failed.───过去给水族馆的水过滤和充氧的尝试都已失败了。
We saw all ( kinds of ) fish at the aquarium.───在水族馆里我们看见了各种各样的鱼.
Rachel enjoyed the class field trip to the aquarium in Boston.───拉切尔很喜欢她班级去波士顿水族馆的外出活动。
The aquarium has many tanks of fish.───那家水族馆有许多装在水箱中的鱼类.
Have you ever been to the aquarium?───你去过海洋馆 吗 ?
The aquarium has some interesting specimens of unusual tropical fish.───水族馆里有一些很有趣的罕见的热带鱼。
- 欢迎来到水族馆饭店用英语怎么说
- 介绍水族馆用英语怎么说
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