chord progressions───和弦进行
geometric progression───[数]几何级数;[数]等比级数
harmonic progression───[数]调和级数
good progress───良好的进展;很大的进步
to procession───游行
word processing───[计]字处理;文字处理
geometric progressions───[数]几何级数;[数]等比级数
Let's go on now to talk about chord progression.───现在让我们继续讨论和弦进行。
Let's move to a four-chord chord progression.───我们接着来看包含四个和弦的和弦进程。
What is a chord progression?───什么是和弦进行?
A chord progression is the movement of one chord to the next. This movement is governed by certain conventions in common practice.───和弦进行是指一个和弦移向另一和弦的运动。这种运动遵循常规。
To pass from one key or tonality to another by means of a regular melodic or chord progression.───调节通过和谐的旋律或合弦的相继进行的方式从一个基调或音调过到另一基调或音调
Try to find great melodies that work over the chord progression you're playing, and the speed will come in time with enough practice.───试着去发现你在演奏时发出的伟大的旋律越,速度在足够的练习后会达到要求的。
There's a chord progression performance to match every human experience that ever was or ever will be.───会有一个弦进行的演奏匹配于每个人的经验,曾经是或希望是。
The most important thing is that the scales and arpeggios you play are musical and fit the chord progression.───最重要的事情是你演奏的音阶和扫琶音有音乐感并且适合和弦进行。
An A major-F major chord progression is heard as the remorseful Achilles reflects on his men who died through his fault.
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