chestnut oaks───栗橡树
chestnut clam───板栗蛤蜊
chestnut brown───栗褐;茶色
chestnut clams───板栗蛤蜊
chestnut bottle───栗子瓶
chestnut bottles───栗子瓶
chestnut blight───栗疫病
Truffles grow underground among the roots of oak, elm , chestnut, pine, and willow trees where they form a symbiotic relationship with their environment.───块菌生长在地下土层中,与橡树、榆树、栗树、松树及柳树的根以及它们所处的自然环境形成共生关系。
The familiar chestnut, oak, and elm grew taller here, and the forest rimming the clearing appeared thick and impenetrable.───熟悉的栗树、橡树和榆树在这里长高了,空地周围的森林显得茂密而密不透风。
A separate disease, acute oak decline, is killing oaks, while chestnut trees have been felled across the country because of infections spread by moths.───另一种疾病——急性栎树衰退病正在杀死大量的栎树,同时由于此病的传染性能借助蛾子传播,栗树也在全国范围内被砍伐。
With spring looking on, we rake up the back yard around the great chestnut oak that rules our hill.───在春天的注视下,我们耙出那棵大栗子橡树周围的后院,栗子橡树占据了整个后山。
Down on your hands and knees, digging out these seedlings, you wonder what the chestnut oak knows that we don't.───跪在地上用手挖出这些树苗,惊讶于栗子橡树超出了我们的了解。
With spring looking on, we rake up the back yard around the great chestnut oak that rules our hill.
Down on your hands and knees, digging out these seedlings, you wonder what the chestnut oak knows that we don't.
- chestnut brown