

词汇 checkout counter
释义 checkout counter
checkout counter发音




checkout counters───付款柜台;收银台;结账处

check-in counter───值机柜台

check-in counters───值机柜台

checkout line───结账队伍

checkout lines───结账的队列

ticket counter───售票台;售票柜台;票务处

knockout contest───淘汰赛


We \\ \\ \\ 've adjusted food stamp benefits annually to cover price increases at the checkout counter.───我们已经调整了粮食券福利使每年的粮食价格上升不在结帐的时候表现出来。

It's your sales clerks, people at the checkout counter, customer service department, field agents and so forth.───是你的销售人员,是站在收银台和客户服务部和外地代理那里的人。

Drinks, candy, gum, media - all right by the checkout counter.───饮料, 糖果, 口香糖, 报纸杂志 —— 都在付款台边.

As he stepped up to the checkout counter , he saw that his total was $ 127.50.───当他付款的时候,应付金额一共是127.5美元.

Then as he stepped up to the checkout counter , he saw that his total was $ 127.00.───然后,他快步走到了结算台, 他看见他消费总计是$127.00.

The girls finally approach the checkout counter and I can barely hear the conversation.───这两个女孩最后去柜台结账,然后我也很难听到她们讲什么.

You may take that to the checkout counter, madam, and good luck to ya.───你现在可以去收款处了, 女士, 祝你好运.

Help bag your own groceries at the checkout counter.───在杂货店的收银台买单时帮忙打包自己的东西。

It's in the Cold Medicine section, next to the aspirin [ near the checkout counter ].───在感冒药货位, 紧靠阿司匹林处 [ 在交款处附近 ].

Please pay your bills at the checkout counter.───请到收银台付款.

People were in line at the checkout counter.───人们在结账柜台前排起了队.

The shopper only needs to place all the items on the conveyor belt at checkout counter.───顾客只需把所选物品一古脑全放在传送带上.

  • checkout lines
  • checkout system
  • checkout room
  • checkout counter
  • checkout for




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