chapter houses───牧师会礼堂;(美)大学生联谊会分会所
chattel house───n.可移动房屋
chattel houses───n.可移动房屋
charnel house───藏骸所
chart house───海图馆
charnel houses───藏骸所
He continued rapidly up the path, not pausing until he neared the Chapter House.───他匆匆地继续沿着这条路走,一直快到牧师会礼堂时才停下来。
joined Delta Tau Delta, and lived in the chapter house on the corner of Edgemoor and Stewart avenues during his four years at Cornell.───在康奈尔大学的四年中,斯特雷特加入了“三·十九·三”团体,住在社团公寓,这座公寓位于埃治摩尔大街与斯图沃特大街的拐角处。
Templars Chapter House allows the recruitment of Templar knights.───圣殿骑士分部能够招募圣殿骑士.
Teutonic Knights' Minor Chapter House allows the recruitment of Teutonic knights.───顿骑士分团能够招募资深条顿骑士。
He continued rapidly up the path, not pausing until he neared the Chapter House.───他继续快速地沿着那小径走,直到走近牧师会礼堂才停下脚步。
Chapter House allows the recruitment of Hospitaller knights.───医院骑士分部能够招募医院骑士.
A cross in the Chapter House.
St. Johns' Minor Chapter House allows the recruitment of Hospitaller knights.
Chapter House allows the recruitment of Hospitaller knights.
Teutonic Knights' Minor Chapter House allows the recruitment of Teutonic knights.
Teutonic Knights' Major Chapter House is a place where the finest German Christian warriors reside, training and devoting themselves to the order's pursuits.
Templars ' Minor Chapter House allows the recruitment of Templar knights.
Templars Chapter House allows the recruitment of Templar knights.
Davis figures rebuilding the chapter house will cost about $ 1 million.
Teutonic Knights' Major Chapter House allows the recruitment of experienced Teutonic knights.
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