

词汇 cash sales
释义 cash sales
cash sales发音


[经] 现售,现销


cash sale───现货

wash sales───虚伪交易

cash values───货币价值;以现金计的价值

flash sales───限时抢购

car sales───汽车销售(carsale的名词复数)

wash sale───虚卖;虚抛;[金融]虚假交易

Mach scales───马赫标度

bake sales───面包或糕饼的售卖活动

cash bars───当场付现金的酒吧


Receipts from cash sales should be supported by sales tickets , cash register tapes, and so on.───用现金销售的收入必须附有销售凭证及现金封条等.

This shall include purchasing, accounts receivable, cash sales, accounts payable, credit control, costing, ledger and payroll.───这包括相关的采购 、 应收账款 、 现金销售 、 应付帐款 、 信用管控 、 成本控制 、 帐目整理和薪酬事项.

This pattern of behavior influences cut-down cash sales and the number of visitors in traditional restaurants in Slovakia.───这饮食习惯影响了在斯国的传统餐馆生意,现金收入以及顾客都因而减少。

Amounts cash sales should be rung up on cash register at the time of each sale.───收银机应该放置于可以让顾客醒目看到记录金额数量的位置.

Cash sales are numerous, and various procedures are used to handle them.───现金销售就是大量的,操作程序变化多样。

Sales to customers who use such bank credit cards are usually treated as cash sales.───卖给用例如银行借记卡的客户通常被看作是现金销售.

We have taken the cash sales and processing according to the cutomer's requests combining operation policy.───我们采取现货销售和来样加工定做相结合经营方式.

Amounts from cash sales should be rung up on a cash register at the time of each sale.───在每一次交易的时候,都应该把销售额的具体数量把打进收银机之中。

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