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Black September───黑色九月(巴勒斯坦一恐怖组织)



to remember───记住;记得;纪念

by the numbers───系统地;按常规地

Black Septembers───黑色九月




a federal election due by September 2009 each partner in the grand coalition can do little but think of how to win by a margin wide enough to jettison the other.───在2009年九月将进行联邦选举,使得大联合政府的每一位成员都想着如何才 能与对手拉开足够大的差距以赢得选举。

At current rates of sentencing, the inspector of prisons warns, jails will be full by September.───监狱的巡视员发出警告:以现在的审判速度,监狱在九月之前就会住满犯人。

The two companies agreed on the transaction and expect to reach the final agreement by September.───这两家公司已经同意进行交易,并且希望在九月份之前达成最后协议。

The general says he might not be able to make even an initial assessment of the new strategy by September.───将军称就算到了九月他也不一定能够对新战略做出初步的评价。

Loyalists in Sirte, the last big city in his hands, were given an ultimatum to surrender by September 3rd or face an all-out assault.───(反对派)向卡扎菲手中的最后一座城市中的卡扎菲支持者发出了9月3日投降的最后通牒,否则将面临全面攻击。

By September, the gang had begun to suspect it had a mole.───到了9月,这伙人开始怀疑出了内奸。

In a speech last week he said the bulk of American troops would withdraw by September next year.───他在上周的一次公开演讲中称,美国政府将于明年九月前撤出目前驻扎在伊拉克的大部分美军。

He said the UWSA would be outlawed if it did not join the BGF by September.───他说如果佤联军在9月份之前还未加入边防警卫部队,那么就将成为非法。

He stepped down temporarily as the NDP's leader to fight a new battle with cancer, promising to be back in Parliament by September.───他暂时辞去党首一职以再度对抗病魔,但承诺9月之前将重回议会。


But by September 1996, Solomon had a change of heart.

By September the apples had ripened to perfection.

By September, it will be their team and not the group of unknowns they inherited from Al Luginbill and his staff.

The store must clear its summer inventories by September 1st.

The dime stores will close in phases by September 1998.

Submissions for widgets are due by September 4.

By September, the new motors were in production.

By September, Ambassador Habib produced a political compromise.

By September 1939, 130,000 people had signed the pledge.

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