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词汇 buy the farm
释义 buy the farm
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by the way───顺便说说,顺便问一下;在途中

play the harp───弹竖琴

by the balls───在球旁边

by the book───adv.按常规;依照惯例

by the by───顺便提一句

by the bye───顺便说到,顺便提起;附带地

by the head───首倾,船首纵倾;船首比船尾吃水深

by the lee───李先生

by the neck───在脖子上


WILSON VEGA used to run a small farm near Barrancabermeja, in the broad, tropical valley of Colombia's Magdalena river. He was negotiating to buy the farm from its owner.───Wilson Vega过去在哥伦比亚境内Magdalena河热带山谷的Barrancabermeja开阔地附近经营小型农场,他正在谈判向土地所有人购买农场。

A few weeks back I won a $50 gift certificate to a homeschool store, I used part of it to buy The Farm Game for Kids.───周前,我在一个家庭学校商店得到了五十美元的礼券。我用其中一部分买了儿童农场游戏。

The other is a loan to provide capital-often to set the farmer up in business by enabling him to buy the farm itself or a mule or tractor, or all three.───另一类贷款是为农民立业提供资金——让他们买得起农场本身、或者一部小拖拉机、或者一辆大牵引车、或者所有这些东西。

A few weeks back I won a $50 gift certificate to a homeschool store, I used part of it to buy The Farm Game for Kids.───几周前,我在一个家庭学校商店得到了五十美元的礼券。我用其中一部分买了儿童农场游戏。

In 1998 a group of 52 families clubbed together and, with the help of government land-reform grants and soft loans, managed to buy the farm.───1998年52个家庭聚集在这里并在政府土地改革的拨款和优惠贷款的帮助下买下了这座农场。

I'd like to visit India one day, before I buy the farm.───我希望死之前,到印度去看看。

But if you spend a lot of time thinking about that -- particularly, this is the day I'm going to buy the farm -- you'd go nuts!───但是如果你花大量的时间来思考这个:尤其,这是个【我要去买下这个农场】的一天,你发疯了!

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