[经] 预算成本
budgeted for───为…作预算
bucketed out───v.用桶清空
budget account───[会计]预算帐户
projected cost───[会计]预计成本
bucketed down───扣住
budget days───预算天数
budget for───为…作预算
But once Theodore Roosevelt had “won the isthmus” by creating Panama as an American neo-colony, the final construction of the canal cost less than budgeted, as Mr Míguez likes to point out.───但是正如米戈斯想指出的,一旦西奥多·罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)通过将巴拿马变成美国新殖民地而“赢得地峡地区”之后,运河的最终建设耗费就比预算少了。
The budgeted cost is derived from the detailed cost estimate prepared at the start of the project.───预算本钱由项目初始阶段的具体成本估算得来。
The budgeted cost should also be updated periodically to reflect the estimated cost to completion as well as to insure adequate cash flows for the completion of the project.───该预算成本也要定期更新,以反映完工前的预测成本,并确保项目完工前的现金投入。
the company desires to have inventory on hand at the end of each month equal to 20% of the following month's budgeted cost of goods sold .───公司期望在每个月末的存货量相当于下个月销售货物预算费用的20%。
Finally, the main factor of cost prediction is determined by analyzing the composition of budgeted cost of highway maintenance.───最后通过分析公路养护工程的预算费用组成来剖解成本预测的主要影响因素。
As the work progresses, the budgeted cost must be revised periodically to reflect the estimated cost to completion.───在工程进行的过程中,必须对成本估算进行定期更新,以反映完工前的预测成本。
Budgeted cost after contracting but prior to construction.───签订合同后在开工前的预算。
The actual expenditure never exceeds 30 per cent of the budgeted cost.───真正的支出从来都没有超过预算费用的30%。
- budgeted cost