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词汇 broad-leaved forest
释义 broad-leaved forest
broad-leaved forest发音




broadened out───使变宽


managed forest───n.经营林

broadleaved whitebeam───阔叶白桦

broadleaved whitebeams───阔叶白桦

broadleaved spindle tree───阔叶纺锤树


The zonal vegetation in this area is evergreen broad leaved forest.───这个区域的地域性植被是常绿阔叶林.

This study deals with the degradation mechanism of damaged evergreen broad - leaved forest ( EBLF ) in eastern China.───此项研究是关于中国东部常绿 阔叶林 生态系统退化类型、动因和机制.

The natural vegetation consisted of evergreen broad - leaved forest ever - green bushland, mangrove thickets and grassland.───该地天然植被有常绿阔叶林 、 丛、树林、坡等.

This probability distribution was directed by "inside time" and it indicated the structure state of broad-leaved forest in the future.───这种概率分布是由内部时间定向的,可用以描述阔叶林分未来的结构状态。

broad-leaved forest by decreasing tree number and increasing storage was in accordance with the characteristics of transfer probability.───阔叶林分通过株数递减和蓄积量递增而演变,这种演变过程和转移概率的特征是一致的。

Dark taiga, tropical rain forest and evergreen broad-leaved forest are climax of area of cold temperate, tropic and subtropics.───暗针叶林)、热带雨林和常绿阔叶林是寒温带、热带和亚热带的气候顶极群落。

Hungary is continental temperate broad - leaved forest climate, annual average temperature around 11 ℃.───匈牙利属大陆性温带阔叶林气候, 年平均气温11℃左右.

The broad - leaved forest is vast , with well - grown trees.───这片阔叶林面积很大, 树木长势很好.

To oak trees, Betula , Chatham, Yang and other broad - leaved forest dominated.───树种以栎 、 桦、漆 、 杨等阔叶林为主.

The method to develop evergreen broad - leaved forest is probed through the research on evergreen broad - leaved forest.───通过对常绿阔叶林研究,努力探索一条发展常绿阔叶林的途径.


The nutrient content and cation exchange capacity of the soil in mid - montane moist evergreen broad-leaved forest are lower than that of semi - moist evergreen broad-leaved forest.

The results showed that sand grain content in surface soil of Pinus massoniana forest land was highest among 4 kinds of forest lands and that of natural evergreen broad-leaved forest was lowest.

Broad-leaved forest and grassy hillsides dominate the montane ecosystem of the mountain.

The aesthetic evaluation of landscape spatial structure shows that the broad-leaved forest is the dominant landscape with many types of landscape that form dispersal patch structure in Wuyuan County.

The results show that SLOC content decreases after native evergreen broad-leaved forest are substituted by planted forest.

The hoolock gibbon mainly distributes in the mid-mountain humid evergreen broad-leaved forest.

Castanopsis hystrix is one of the important planting tree species of south subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest.

The density and quantity of Collembola keeps high levels in infested area and even sometimes higher than non - infested area, especially in broad-leaved forest.

Conversion of natural secondary broad-leaved forest to Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation is a common management practice in subtropical China.

  • broad-leaved forest




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