breakfast cereals───早餐谷物(breakfastcereal的复数)
breakfast bar───早餐台;营养早餐棒
breakfast bars───早餐谷块;早餐谷物棒
breakfast club───n.早餐俱乐部
breakfast clubs───n.早餐俱乐部
breakfast room───早餐室
breakfast set───早餐具
breakfast sets───早餐具
breakfast time───早餐时间
Avoidaway from: Grains such as oats , wheat, crackers , breakfast cereal, bread, pasta, etc.───禁食类的包括: 谷类如燕麦片, 小麦, 饼干, 面包等; 完全禁食的是坚果, 巧克力等.
Sprinkle a teaspoon on your breakfast cereal or in the foods you bake.───一茶匙在早餐麦片里,或要烘烤的食物里。
Shredded Wheat, a breakfast cereal, once had its logo carved in a wheat field.───小麦片,一种早餐谷物,曾把他的商标刻在麦田。
Try WAKE -- UPS , the new , improved breakfast cereal, the cereal that athletes eat!───那就请您试试这种新的经过改良的早餐麦片粥, 这是运动员食用的麦片粥!
I poured some breakfast cereal into my hand and offered it for the thing to eat.───我在我手上倒了一些早餐吃的粮食类东西让它作为食品吃.
Breakfast - cereal makers, such as Kellogg's and General Mills, have also raised their prices.───谷类早餐制造商如家乐士和通用磨坊也提高了他们的价格.
I'll plump for bacon and eggs rather than breakfast cereal.───我宁愿吃咸肉和鸡蛋,而不愿吃谷类制作的早餐食品.
Obviously, the marketing director is enthusiastic about Bargain Brand Cereals'success in selling low - priced breakfast cereal.───显然, 销售部经理对“特价谷类食品”公司成功地销售 低价位 早餐系列极富热情.
The article neglects to point out that preschoolers can’t buy breakfast cereal.───这篇论文并没有指出学龄前儿童自己不能买早餐食品的事实。
The breakfast cereal is enriched with vitamins.───维生素增加了早餐谷类食物的营养价值.
Here is an example of a TV advertisement telling the public about a new breakfast cereal.───下面是一则电视广告,向公众介绍一种新的早餐麦片粥.
He tipped his breakfast cereal into a bowl.
The breakfast cereal is enriched with vitamins.
When a breakfast cereal company expanded its business abroad, it had to enlighten consumers about dry cereal and cold breakfasts.
An extra tablespoon sprinkled over the breakfast cereal can help control irritable bowel syndrome, piles, appendicitis and bowel cancer.
Suppose a company has a new breakfast cereal that it wants to sell.
Most people would only eat bran with breakfast cereal.
Try WAKE--UPS, the new, improved breakfast cereal, the cereal that athletes eat!
If more is needed, try a breakfast cereal that contains bran, or sprinkle bran over another cereal.
Bread, rolls, breakfast cereal, bananas and fried fruit are ideal.
- breakfast food