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词汇 bottling up
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bottling out───装瓶

boiling up───煮滚;烧开

booting up───启动

hotting up───变危急;加剧;加热

settling up───付清;了结;结账

totting up───v.合计

bailing up───强迫停止;举手投降

balling up───起球;泥包

beating up───adj.年久失修的;残破的;v.暴打,痛打;抬(价);惊动;搅拌


By bottling up their emotions, men deprive themselves of a healthy outlet for their negative feelings.───男人因为掩盖自己的情感而丧失了抒发消极情绪的健康途径。

Bottling up anger is thought to be a cause of many types of illness, including cancer.───愤怒闷在心里面被认为是引起多种疾病的原因之一,包括有癌症。

Bottling up your anger can only lead to unhappiness.───怒气憋在肚子里只会道致痛苦。

Bottling up your feelings is actually a useful strategy for getting over a traumatic event.───将你的感受守口如瓶实际上是将伤心事抛到脑后的有效方法。

By bottling up their emotions, men deprive themselves of a healthy outlet for their negative feelings.───由于封闭自己的感情,男人们失去了释放消极感情的健康渠道。

It is, rather, proof of the danger of bottling up tensions in the superficial calm that repression can temporarily impose.───但确切的说,这种证据反而表明了压制紧张态势的危险性:暂时的镇压只能维持表面平静。

By the time we're done for the day, we're exhausted from bottling up our feelings.───到了该我们处理事情的时候,我们往往会为了抑制自己情绪而精疲力尽。

Tell your friends, coworkers, boss, partner, kids, etc. , how you feel about situations instead of bottling up your emotions.───告诉您的朋友,同事,上司,合作伙伴,孩子等等你的感觉而不要大发雷霆。

Bottling up your emotions is like creating a bomb that will eventually self-implode.───封锁情绪就好像在设置一个炸弹,它们迟早都会爆炸的。


Talking to some one about how she was feeling and not bottling up her worries. 3.

Bottling up your anger can only lead to unhappiness.

But Allingham remained a reservist, and during World War II he was called on to find a solution to the German magnetic mines that were bottling up the English harbor of Harwich, on the Essex coast.

No bottling up for me; no turning the other cheek for Walt.

Repressing your worries and bottling up your feelings will probably make you feel worse.

  • bottling up emotions
  • bottling up your feelings




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