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词汇 五月三十一日用英语怎么说
释义 五月三十一日用英语怎么说

May 31st


五月三十一日───May 31st


The physical reminders of the Israeli military operation in the early hours of May 31st have left Israel what remains is the commission to find out what went wrong.───证明5月31日早上以色列采取的军事行动的物理凭证已经离开以色列,只有调查委员会留在以色列调查事件发生的真相。

On May 31st, the Republicans who control the House of Representatives put an unconditional increase in the ceiling to a vote simply so that they could reject it.───就在5月31日,控制着众议院的共和党对无条件提高债务上限的提案发起投票。当然,此举也不过是为了方便否决它而已。

The current version, v.6, will expire on May 31st, 2011.───当前的v . 6版本会在2011年3月31日过期。

It is unfortunate that I did not make contact with you sooner as I would have come to your factory off the aeroplane on the 31st May.───不好意思,我没有及时和你联系。我想在五月三十一日从机场出来后,到你的工厂去。

On May 31st the United States said agreement had been reached to restart migration talks, which were broken off by George Bush in 2004.───5月31日说,美国说已经达成协议以重启移民会谈,这在2004年被乔治·布什中断。

We inform you that we purpose opening at the above premises, on Monday, the 31st May, a high-class millinery establishment.───我们将于5月31日(星期一),在上述地址开设高级女用帽子店。特此奉告。


On May 31st the government announced that the two surviving officials had been sacked.

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