

词汇 suicide mission
释义 suicide mission
suicide mission发音



chef de mission───二面

rescue mission───营救任务,救助任务;抢险救援任务


suicide bids───自杀式投标

support mission───支援任务

trade mission───贸易代表团;贸易访问团

chefs de mission───团长


Not to worry: you're resurrected with cybernetics and nanotechnology so that you can go on a suicide mission to discover why colonies of humans are disappearing.───不用担心:你会在神经机械学和纳米技术下复活,让你能够执行一个自杀任务,去发现为什么人类殖民地不断消失。

After much deliberation, the men took a vote and decided to pin our last hopes on a suicide mission, guessing that the element of surprise might be just the thing to offset Arroyo's superior forces.───深思熟虑之后,大家投了次票,决定把我们最后的希望寄托于一次自杀性任务上,想着突袭因素也许正好可以抵消阿罗约的兵力优势。

Then he sends him on a suicide mission to find out who or what is at the bottom of the Mine Valley threat.───然后萨尔达斯就给了他一个极之危险的任务:查明矿坑山谷下究竟有著什麽事物。

The Dark forces are on a suicide mission, and will go down willingly, dragging as many of you ones with them as they can.───黑暗势力在实施一个自杀式的任务,而且非常乐意的极近可能的拖住你们,一同毁灭。

this one is a suicide mission where your health and very likely your life has to be sacrificed away with a high level of certainty.───这可是种自杀任务,得牺牲自己的健康、甚至很可能是生命。

Never before had any branch of Al Qaeda sent a woman on a suicide mission.───基地组织之前没有一家分支机构派出过女子去执行自杀炸弹任务。

You ' re asking me to sign off on a probable suicide mission .───你要我批准一个可能是自杀的任务?。

Only Joe has noticed that the car was driven onto the tracks, seemingly in a suicide mission.───只有乔注意到,那辆小汽车是主动开上铁轨的,以一种近乎自杀的方式。


The powers-that-be decide to send you on a suicide mission - nice peeps, aren't they?

There is a recognition this is a suicide mission, " the official said."

For many, the suicide mission was their first involvement in terrorism.

As Delbert saw it, they went on suicide missions, which was just the kind of action he wanted.

1945 - World War II: The Japanese battleship Yamato is sunk 200 miles north of Okinawa while in-route to a suicide mission.

His suicide mission came as a surprise to more people than just his family.

In 1945, during World War Two, American planes intercepted a Japanese fleet that was headed for Okinawa on a suicide mission.

According to the army, the teenager said he was on a "suicide mission" for the movement.

You ' re asking me to sign off on a probable suicide mission .

  • suicide mission
  • suicide squad
  • suicide sheep
  • suicide rate
  • suicide attack




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