It's also my motivation
A good novelist needs great power of conception.───一个好的小说家需要丰富的想象力.
My children have gone beyond my power.───我已经控制不了我的孩子们了.
The aircraft hadn't enough power to get off the ground.───那架飞机的动力不够,无法起飞.
The moment Mrs Thatcher fell from power has left a lasting imprint on the world's memory.───撒切尔夫人倒台的那一刻在世人的记忆中留下了永久的印痕。
We can transmute water power into electrical power.───我们能将水力变成电力.
They advocate the retention of our nuclear power plants.───他们主张保留我们的核电厂.
The bad eggs wielded power, while the good people were oppressed.───坏人当道, 好人受气
He emanates power and confidence.───他表现出力量和信心。
The skyline is dominated by a nuclear power station.
90% of those questioned felt uneasy about nuclear power.
Whatever I do, I will do in my power.
Electrical power is supplied by underground cables.
The leaders have been ousted from power by nationalists.
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