bonus issue───发行红股;红利股发行
back issues───过期刊物(backissue的复数)
bonus babies───奖励婴儿
bonus shares───红利股
hot issues───热点问题;[金融]热门股票(上市后不久价格猛涨)
joint issues───共同问题
new issues───新发行的证券;新议题
note issues───[金融]通货发行;[金融]纸币发行
A serious danger of striking up such a relationship is that people may think your next promotion or paycheck bonus was undeserved, raising issues of favoritism.───此类关系的一个严重的危险在于人们可能会把你下一次的提拔或者工资奖金看成是你不应得到的,从而会产生“偏袒主义”方面的问题。
Investors in warrants do not receive the dividends paid on the underlying, nor or do they directly participate in rights or bonus issues.───持权证的投资者不会获派正股股息,亦不会直接参予供股或红股。
Calculate monthly payroll, Administer employees' salary, perform half-year salary adjustment and performance bonus issues etc;───计算每月薪资,管理员工薪资,执行半年度薪资调整和绩效奖金发放等事项;
The officials in charge said that the exemption of income tax on dividend and bonus issues that are distributed among resident enterprises is to eliminate double taxation.
- bonus track
- bonus issue
- bonuses nhl
- bonuses dnd
- bonus issues