

词汇 乘公共汽车的乘用英语怎么说
释义 乘公共汽车的乘用英语怎么说

By bus




The bus here departs on the hour.───这儿的公共汽车在整点开出一趟.

The side of the car was all smashed in when it hit the bus.───小汽车撞上了公共汽车,车身的一侧全撞瘪了.

The bus stop is not far from the hospital.───公共汽车站离医院很近.

The report on the accident exonerates the bus driver from any responsibility.───事故的报告认为公共汽车司机是没有任何责任的.

At the precise moment that I put my foot on the step, the bus started.───恰好就在我登上公共汽车台阶的时候, 车开动了.

I missed the last bus home , and had to walk back.───我错过了末班车, 只得走回家.

The bus is not due yet awhile.───公共汽车还要一会儿才会来.

It's too far to ride to your grandmother's; you'd better take the bus.───骑车去你奶奶家太远了, 你最好坐公共汽车去.

It's a five fen ride on a bus.───乘公共汽车去要五分钱.

The bus stop is few yards below the post office.───公共汽车站在邮局向南几码的地方.


She absent-mindedly left her umbrella on the bus.

I didn't take the first bus.

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The bus was jammed with people.

A stranger accosted him on the bus.

Every time a bus went past, the windows rattled.

To his horror, the bus caught fire.

Our bus won't start because the battery is flat.

We met up at the bus terminal.

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