bomb shelter───防空洞;避难室
bus shelters───公车候车亭
rock shelters───悬岩
womens shelters───妇女庇护所
bomb belts───炸弹带
bomb craters───弹坑
bomb sites───炸弹爆炸后的废墟
The city's bomb shelters were being prepared for possible air raids.───这座城市的防空掩体正在准备中,以防可能发生的空袭。
They refers to the embrasures of the bomb shelters.───它们同防空洞的射击孔类似。
I spent many nights huddled with my family and others in bomb shelters and basements, listening to the explosions outside.───我在防空洞和地下室里度过了无数个夜晚,与家人或其他人蜷缩着躲在一起,听着外面的爆炸声。
Increasingly, businesses are considering installing safe rooms too, as the rooms become the bomb shelters of the early 21st century.───越来越多的企业也在考虑安装安全屋,这些会成为21世纪早期的的防空洞。
Russia Today just put out a video and news report that Russia is building 5000 more bomb shelters in Moscow.───俄罗斯今日刚推出一段视频和新闻报导,即俄罗斯正在莫斯科建设5,000多所防空洞。
In a test on Tuesday , air- raid sirens wailed across Israel , sending school children running to bomb shelters .───在星期二的演习中,空袭警报响彻了整个以色列,使学校里的孩子纷纷向防空洞奔跑。
Under military instructions, hundreds of South Korean farmers living in nearby border villages evacuated into bomb shelters.───数以百计居住在边境附近村庄的韩国农民,在军队的指导下已撤离到防空洞中。
During the November 2010 barrage, residents fled to bomb shelters as fires consumed about 40 houses and a dozen businesses.───2010年11月炮击期间,岛上居民逃往防空掩体,同时炮火摧毁了大约40座民房和十来家商铺。
Subway passages were used as bomb shelters during wartime.
Until church members complete a sewer system, they have been forbidden to use their newly hewn bomb shelters.
Residents remained in the bomb shelters Saturday.
The city's bomb shelters were being prepared for possible air raids.
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