green lights───绿灯;放行;准许
greens light───绿灯;放行;准许
greened light───绿灯;放行;准许
greening light───绿灯;放行;准许
to green light───到绿灯
It's green light, so you can go straight.───现在是绿灯,你可以直行了。
Now it was again a green light on a dock.───现在它又是码头上的一盏绿灯了.
His arms are stretched out towards a faraway, green light.───并将双臂伸向远处的绿光.
Russian and Chinese tracer ammunition generates red or green light using barium salts.───认为中俄仅仅使用绿光曳光弹即使是有绿色弹头标识,这个是错误的.
Management has given us a green light to begin our research.───管理层已经给我们开了绿灯,让我们搞研究.
Mother gave us the green light to go on the camping trip.───母亲准许我们露营旅行.
Jessica and Rick are hoping to get a green light for their proposal.───洁西卡与瑞克希望他们的提案能过关.
You go from having the ball and having the green light, and you adjust.───你不再一直有球在手,你也丧失了特权, 然后你做出了调整.
By adding various dyes to the silver bromide it can be made additionally sensitive green light.───溴化银加入各种化学增感剂后,又可使其感受染色光.
Other countries are eagerly awaiting an American green light to lift the sanctions altogether.───其他国家正在急切等待美国同意完全撤销制裁。
The starting signal was a green light.───开始比赛的信号是绿灯.
The government has given the green light to the channel tunnel project.───该政府已批准了海峡隧道工程.
The local government gave the company the green light to run stock exchange.───当地政府给那家公司开绿灯,容许他们经营证券交易.
The President had reviewed the plan and given the green light to the recommendation.───总统审查了计划,批准了那些建议.
If the green light isn't on, we should wait for it.───如果绿灯还没亮,我们就要等它亮。
The ministry is highly likely give the manual the green light next year, Tao said.───陶表示,明年卫生部极有可能给该标准开绿灯.
Then I saw a fish with green light, serenely drifting towards the ocean.───我看见一只发着绿光的鱼, 幽幽地飘向海洋.
The ministry is likely give the Manual the green light next year, Tao said.───陶然表示,卫生部很可能在明年通过这一标准.
A green light on a traffic signal means your car can continue on.───交通信号中的绿灯意味着你的车可以继续前行.
Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us.───盖茨比信奉这盏绿灯, 这个一年年在我们眼前渐渐远去的极乐的未来.
As soon as we get the green light , we'll start advertising for new staff.───一得到许可, 我们就将开始打广告招募新员工.
We'll never give the green light to gambling.───我们永远不会给赌博开绿灯.
The food industry was given a green light to extend the use of these chemicals.───食品业获准继续使用这些化学品。
The president gave Johnson the green light to sign a new treaty with Mexico.───总统允许约翰逊与墨西哥签订新条约.
The government has decided to give the green light to the plan.───政府已决定为这项计划开绿灯。
Edmunds'Inside Line reports that neither vehicle will get the green light.───埃德蒙兹'内线报告说,没有车会开了绿灯.
This photochemical retinal injury mainly occurs when the retina is exposed to blue and green light.───这种光化学的损害,主要来自蓝光和绿光对视网膜的照射.
The sun has already set, leaving the sky afire with orange and green light.───太阳已经落山,但天空中还映照着如火般橙绿相间的余晖。
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