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词汇 green shoots
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green roofs───绿色屋顶;[矿业]新露顶板

green rooms───演员休息室

green soaps───绿色肥皂

turkey shoots───土耳其射击;不同仪器记录对比

bean shots───豆子丸


green belts───n.城市绿化带

green corns───嫩玉米;青玉米

green herons───苍鹭


are those green shoots again.───复苏的萌芽再次出现。

Some green shoots are already wilting.───一些“绿色嫩芽”已经开始枯萎。

Two weeks after we'd planted the seeds, little green shoots started to appear.───我们播种后两周,绿色的小嫩芽就开始长出了。

These are green shoots that need tending.───这些都是需要关注的新兴行业.

In the latest welter of housing data, some have seen green shoots.───有些人在最近杂乱无章的房屋数据中看到了复苏的萌芽.

Elsewhere, markets feverishly adjusted to stronger evidence that the economic green shoots are for real.───在其它地区,更有力的证据表明经济(复苏)萌芽确然存在, 市场对此作出积极调整.

Some skeptics doubt that these green shoots will amount to much. They say that G.───仍然有一些怀疑的声音说,通用这棵老树上发的新芽到底能有多大效果值得怀疑.

She always had a few twigs or green shoots in water—let the winter rage without as it might.───她总是在水里插几根小树枝或几根绿芽——不论外面的冬天如何肆虐。

Or let Fed chief Ben Bernanke wax lyrically about green shoots.───要不就让本、伯南克对所谓的“新芽”粉饰一番.

But the extent to which economic green shoots can be found depends on where you look.───但是,经济绿牙的发现程度取决于观察领域.

Soon, tiny green shoots will break through the soil's surface.───不久, 绿色的嫩芽就会破土而出.


But green shoots were reported to be visible in job vacancy trends.

If green shoots are now appearing, the media is entitled to claim some credit for watering them.

The first green shoots are poking up/through the soil.

Tender green shoots will appear in February.

The green shoots of recovery may now be twitching but it will be a long time before the unemployment figures level off.

The green shoots were hopeful signs of spring.

Print sales Green shoots of recovery?

Clematis so bristles with brittle green shoots in spring that planting then is an anxiety rather than a pleasure.

The "green shoots" crowd — those believing global recovery is nigh — drew special encouragement from a 2.2% rebound in real U.S. consumer expenditure in the first quarter of 2009.

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