For the convenience of transportation
The roadworks are slowing the traffic up in the mornings.───道路施工使早上的交通迟缓下来.
They had intended going into the country for the day, but were put off by reports of traffic jams.───他们本来打算那天到乡下去, 但听说交通拥挤就作罢了.
Chicago is a hub of airline traffic.───芝加哥是航运中心.
A big truck tried to get into a small parking space and fouled up traffic.───一辆试图开进小停车场的大卡车把交通阻塞了.
The traffic lights were on amber.───交通信号黄灯亮了。
traffic was diabolical.───交通状况糟糕透了。
There was hardly any traffic and we drove right along till we got home.───路上几乎没有别的车辆,我们驾车一直开到家.
The ruts must be filled in so that traffic can pass.───车轮压出的辙迹必须填平,以便行人和车辆通行.
Be careful of the traffic.
The traffic causes serious disturbance to residents.
He looked down at the traffic far below.
The aim is to reduce traffic at peak periods.
Roadworks have caused traffic jams throughout the city centre.
- 这里有一些交通在街上用英语怎么说
- 湖南交通职业技术学院用英语怎么说
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- trafficker meaning
- trafficking definition
- surging traffic
- diverted traffic
- go against the traffic
- a traffic jam
- traffic rider
- trafficked areas
- impeding traffic
- traffic safety