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词汇 boat trip
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哈拉上船; [电影]寻爱旅程



boat trips───乘船旅行

boat train───港口联运列车;港口接驳列车

bad trip───n.难受的经历

boat tail───n.[航]船形尾部,导弹尾部

road trip───四仔旅行团(乐团名);哈拉上路(电影名);自驾游

boating trip───乘船旅行

boat trains───港口联运列车;港口接驳列车

boat drill───船上的救生演习

boat tails───n.[航]船形尾部,导弹尾部


Tomorrow, we'll take a boat trip around the famous Victoria Harbour.───明天我要乘船游览著名的维多利亚港.

If we take a boat trip, we can enjoy the magnificent sights along the thames.───如果我们乘船旅行, 我们可以欣赏泰晤士河沿岸的动人景色.

Kelly also enjoyed a boat trip on the river Thames.───凯丽也很喜欢泰晤士河上的游船之旅.

Then anyone who wants to can go for a walk Aswan after the boat trip.───乘船游览以后,凡是想去的人就可以去阿斯旺各处走一走.

During a boat trip across the Gulf of Papagayo, this parrot decided that he couldn't stand the heat of the Guanacaste summer and decided to take a bath.───在一条横跨帕帕·加约海湾的游船上,这只鹦鹉终于无法忍受瓜那卡斯特的炎热了,它决定冲个凉先。

Yes, we can go for a walk around the lake, maybe even a boat trip.───是的, 我们可以绕着湖边散步, 也许还可以在湖上泛舟.

If we take a boat trip, we can enjoy the magnificent sights along the Thames.───如果乘船旅行, 我们可以欣赏到泰晤士河沿岸的动人景色.

'll also be Celtic tales around a bonfire with (ahem) Gordon the Viking, a check on Nessie, a nose around Eilean Donan castle, and a boat trip to watch seals.───旅程还将包括在篝火旁听维京人戈登讲凯尔特人的传说(天哪),探访尼斯湖怪,游览Eilean Donan城堡,以及出海去看海豹。

If you take a boat trip, you can enjoy the magnificent sights along the coast.───如果您乘船观光的话, 会看到沿岸的动人美景.

Take a boat trip, and you will be fascinated by the peaks along the river.───坐上船游览, 你就会被河岸的山峰所吸引.

Aunt Mary bought a ticket to travel in the second - class on die boat trip.───玛丽姨妈买了一张二等舱的旅游船票.

Could we take a boat trip on the West Lake?───游客:我们可以在西湖上划船 吗 ?

If you take a boat trip, you will be fascinated the peaks along the river.───如果坐上船游览, 你就会被河岸的山峰给吸引.

You can take a boat trip along the coast.───你可以乘船沿海岸旅游一趟。

If you like excitement, take a boat trip down the fast Snake River.───如果你喜欢刺激, 就可以沿着蛇河乘船而下.

A boat trip on the lake.───在湖上乘船游览.

In the evening, we wil 1 take an evening boat trip along the Huangpu River.───晚上我们坐船游览黄埔江.

We were buffeted about during the rough boat trip.───船在大浪中航行,我们被颠得左右摇晃.


Take a boat trip upstream along the Swan River through vineyards, stopping off to visit wineries.

We were buffeted about during the rough boat trip.

You can take a boat trip along the coast to Lundy Island, the famous bird sanctuary.

A festival, a boat trip, climbing to the top of a hill.

The equity department was planning a boat trip to become further acquainted with the trainees on its short list.

The boat trip lasts three hours, so you certainly get your money's worth.

From here visitors can take a boat trip along the coast to Lundy Island.

The boat trip should have provided some respite but it is difficult to see how.

You can take a boat trip along the coast.

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