I don't approve of flash marriage
闪婚───flash marriage
Do you dare to try flash marriage?───闪婚这件事你敢尝试吗?
By contrast, flash marriage group advocates the concept of "marriage freedom" and leave behind what was a must in the past.───鲜明对照的是,闪婚族在大力提倡婚姻自由的同时,把媒人抛到一边去了。
the power of flash marriage laughter is has the tears of romantic comedy springs.───这个闪婚当道的有欢笑有泪水的王道浪漫爱情喜剧。
By contrast, flash marriage group advocates the concept of "marriage freedom" and leave behind what was a must in the past.───与之形成鲜明对照的是,闪婚族在大力提倡婚姻自由的同时,把媒人抛到一边去了。
Nowadays, "flash marriage" has become a fashion to unmarried young people, known as lightning, lightning sparks of love, marriage lightning.───时下,“闪婚”成了未婚年轻人的一种时尚,闪电般的相识,闪电般的爱情火花,闪电般的结婚。
As we all know, Osama bin Laden end up married 6 times, including one divorced, one is 48 hours to break up the "flash marriage. "───众所周知,拉登结了6次婚,其中一次离婚,一次是48小时就分手的“闪婚”。
Are you in favor of " flash marriage " and do you think it a responsible behavior?───你赞成“闪婚”吗?你觉得这是一种负责任的行为吗?
On the power of flash marriage laughter is has the tears of romantic comedy springs.───送上这个闪婚当道的有欢笑有泪水的王道浪漫爱情喜剧。
Cyber love, one-night stands, speed dating and flash marriage have become common in big cities.───网恋、一夜情、速配和闪婚在大城市里已司空见惯了。
Flash Marriage Group, as its name indicates, refers to those who established the marital relationship in a faction of time, lacking of the necessary period of mutual understanding and trust.
Cyber love, one-night stand, speed dating and flash marriage have been common in big cities.
- 不赞成闪婚用英语怎么说
- flash another
- flashboard drain
- ln a flash
- flash sale
- spi flash
- flashes of lightning
- clear flash
- flash news
- flashboard means
- flashes into