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词汇 Blue moon
释义 Blue moon
Blue moon发音



blue moons───不可能或稀有的时期或事情

blue book───n.蓝皮答题卷;二手车参考价目册;蓝皮书;政府官员名录

blue john───蓝约翰

blue mold───青霉

blue roan───蓝漫游者

blood moon───血月

blue blood───贵族血统;出身贵族

blue books───蓝皮书;(美国国务院每月公布的)各国驻美外交代表人名录

blue goose───n.蓝鹅


Great writers like Mark Twain only appear once in a blue moon.───(像马克吐温那样伟大的作家,是很罕见的. )

Eg . Seeing the partial eclipse is once in a blue moon.───看见月偏食真是个千载难逢的事.

He gets drunk only once in a blue moon.───他难得喝醉酒.

That sort of thing only happens once in a blue moon.───这种事情难得发生一次.

We also did all the work for the Blue Moon Race.───我们也为蓝色月亮比赛做了所有的工作.

You shouldn't lose this once in the blue moon chance.───你不该错过这个难得的机会。

The first song, "Blue Moon," didn't go too badly except that everyone talked throughout.───第一首歌《蓝月亮》效果还不算太差,只是所有的人自始至终都在说话。

This is a chance once in a blue moon.───这可是个难得的机会.

Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a blue moon.───你到哪儿去了? 我好久没见到你了.

Something that happens once in blue moon almost never happens.───那种罕见的事情几乎不会发生.

The story is just a blue moon.───这个故事根本就是件不可能的事.

Such a chance comes once in a blue moon.───这样的机会极其难得.

He gives us a treat only once in a blue moon.───他招待我们一顿可真是千载难逢.

In the city met you is real once a blue moon!───在这个城市里能遇到你真是太难得了!

The super blue moon also occurred during a total lunar eclipse.───超级蓝月亮也会发生在月全食期间。

It was an opportunity that comes once in a blue moon.───这种机会来一次可太难了.

You get a chance like this only once in a blue moon.───这种机会你是很难得到的.

By living a blue moon with the Indians, he was assimilated to them in his thinking and actions.───由于长期和印第安人共同生活, 他在思想和行动上都被他们同化了.





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