吹掉; 吹走; 炸掉; 放气
blow offs───v.放出;吹掉
blown off───爆切;刮掉
blows off───v.放出;吹掉
blew off───v.放出;吹掉
block off───阻挡;封堵
blow on───v.吹凉(食物);开炉
blow out───吹熄;爆裂;(保险丝)熔断;减少或耗尽……的能量;喷出(油或气体);取消
off the first week, and you're already 8 percent behind.───第一周就开了小差,你就会落后8%的内容了。
Parents must let children blow off steam sometimes.───做父母的有时必须让孩寸们吵吵闹闹,发泄发泄.
They set the shop on fire to blow off their repressed emotion.───他们放火烧商店,以发泄压抑的情绪.
Yes, to blow off means to break off plans you had with someone.───也就是说你和Bob约好去看电影,可是他为了跟女朋友玩而把你给甩了.
The air tank includes the body, safety valve, blow - off valve, pressure meter and manhole, etc.───储气罐包括本体, 安全阀, 排污阀, 压力表,人孔等.
I just needed to blow off steam.───我只想出出闷气而已.
People here just really, just blow off steam and they just go crazy.───人们来这是会好好地释放一下,狂欢一下。
Don't apologize for shouting at them; it does you good to blow off steam occasionally.───不要为对他们大声叫嚷而抱歉, 偶尔发泄一下抑制的感情对你有好处.
Cold winds blow off the Siberian high pressure from October to April.───从10月到来年4月,从西伯利亚高压吹来的寒风影响着中国大陆.
A lot of people go to bars to blow off pressure from work.───很多人去酒吧娱乐以消去工作上的压力.
Work is starting to be a drag and I really need to blow off some steam!───工作开始变得很烦人,我确实需要缓解一下压力了!
The staff was right to blow off the debate negotiations.───那位工作人员做的对,应该取消辩论谈判.
After the train got to the station, the engine began to blow off.───火车进站后, 火车头开始放气.
Yeah , there are some things in life you just shouldn't blow off.───唉, 生活中有些事是非得做的,就象和你一起吃午饭一样.
I think I'm going to blow off class today.───我想我今天要逃课了.
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